
July 4, 2016

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? 4th July 2016


It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week.  It's a great post to organise yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog   and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date. And here we are!

Jen Vincent, Teach Mentor Texts, and Kellee of Unleashing Readers decided to give It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? a kidlit focus. If you read and review books in children’s literature – picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult novels, anything in the world of kidlit – join them!
a divide
Firstly I wish all the USA readers a very happy 4th of July. Hope it's a great day.

This last week has been busy as the end of June marked the end of the first half of the year so I was busy reviewing and linking up to challenges. I also had ones to name winners and reset the next stage. So hope I haven't missed anything.

I enjoyed my week of reading and looking forward to finding out how yours went too.

What I read last week:

Two books with reviews to follow soon.
book cover book cover

book cover
The Forgotten Room was as good as everyone said! What a clever group of authors to write such a seamless book. I had to keep reading to work out all the relationships.

What I am reading at present:

book cover

Still listening to:
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Up next:

For review
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From my TBR where it has been there forever!

book cover

Posts from the last week:

Linny's Sweet Dream List.   Susan Schild
Allegiance of Honour     Nalini Singh

a divide


  1. I'm such a slacker on the 'challenge' front Kathryn and rarely join anything. Perhaps I'm anti-commitment or something?!

    I hope this next week is a bit quieter for you. Also hope it's not too cold for you!

    1. Ah Deb you don't need a challenge you are an amazing reader. I will probably cut way back next year - or not!!

  2. Hope all your challenges are going well! It's been a quiet and relaxing weekend here, hope yours was good as well. The Forgotten Room looks interesting w/ three different authors.

  3. You have some lovely looking books! I can't wait to read my copy of Sunshine Beach. Last Ride to Graceland looks like a book I'd enjoy.

    Thanks for hosting...and for sharing.

  4. Glad you liked The Forgotten Room. I want to read that one and Last Ride to Graceland sounds interesting too.

    Hope you have a good week! It's hard to believe the year is more than halfway over.

  5. While I wasn't full on in the mood to read The Forgotten Room, it was a good one. I kept trying to figure out the connections between the three women the whole time.

  6. Hope it all slows down for you soon - The Forgotten Room sounds great - must add to the TBR pile.

  7. The Forgotten Room does look wonderful! I had never heard of it before reading this post, but now it is on my wish list!

  8. I never heard of The Forgotten Room but the little I read about makes it sound so interesting, and 3 authors to boot! I just picked up the second Wendy Wax beach series book but haven't started it yet. Also, Last Ride to Graceland might be fun reading for me.

    I applaud you for doing all your challenges. I've slacked off this year with challenges but might jump into short ones when I'm able. Enjoy the week.

    1. Yeah Last Ride to Graceland is fun but not quite sure how it will all pan out. The Forgotten Room came out last year, and I had kept it in mind and was happy to see our local library had it.

  9. You have some cool books there. Wendy wax is an author I want to try out in the future. Does she write a series or standalone?

    1. She writes both Viki, however this one is part of a series and it is best read with the other ones before it read first.

  10. Your books look so lovely and summery!

  11. I'm so glad to hear The Forgotten Room is good! I was nervous to try it b/c of the team writing even though I love Williams and White.

  12. I have The Forgotten Room on my TBR list. I really need to get it read. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Have a great week and happy reading!

  13. I LOVED The Forgotten Room. They did a beautiful job of working together.

    ENJOY this first week of July...can't believe the year is half over.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

  14. The Forgotten Room sounds really good and very clever. I want to read it! Have a good week.

  15. All your books look really good. Hope you enjoy the ones that you are reading now. Hope you have a good week and happy reading.

  16. Oooh...Last Ride to Graceland sounds good!

    I am impressed at all your work doing mid-year stuff. I need to do that some things aren't so busy at the end of the year!

    Enjoy your books this week -


    2016 Big Book Summer Challenge

  17. All those books look so good. Enjoy! Have a great week!

  18. Another vote of interest in The Forgotten Room! I haven't read any of those authors, but I'd like to.

    Right now I'm indulging myself with a read of my son's Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - the illustrated edition that I got him for Christmas. (It was for him, really.) The pictures by Jim McKay are just stunning.

    Have a good week!

  19. Hi, this is my first time participating but I'm loving it already. So many new books that I can't wait to sink in to :)

    I love the cover of The Forgotten Room! I haven't heard anything about it yet, so I'm off to look it up :D

  20. I look forward to your Grace one

  21. I'm looking forward to reading your review of Last Ride to Graceland. Hope you are enjoying it and have a wonderful week.

  22. OMG. I almost forget Susan Mallery! Loved her Accidentally yours, that novel - I used the character's name for my blogger name - Kaori "King" ;) I'd love to read Daughter's of the Bride one of these days! Happy Monday!

  23. I loved The Forgotten Room and would love to read Last Ride to Graceland. A Southern lit always makes its way onto my shelf eventually. Enjoy your week. :)

  24. I love Delinsky! Hope that one is as good as her others!

  25. OOh Glad you loved The Forgotten Room, if you can get it in audible wow it was fantastic.

    I'm finally reading First Grave on the Right, Loving it
    Listening too Book 4 in the Portland Storm Hockey series, Delay of Game and about ready to dive into my October contracts!
    Great post Kathryn!!
