
July 27, 2016

The Moment She Left. Susan Lewis

book cover
Published: Random House UK
Date: 28th July 2016
Format: e-ARC
Genre: Fiction
Source: Publisher via NetGalley
4 stars                    Add to Goodreads

Some are darker than others; many are shameful. One is even deadly.

Andee is an ex-detective whose marriage is breaking up. So when a young female student disappears without trace, she throws herself into the search.

Meanwhile, the town’s beloved Rowzee Cayne has just discovered that she is terminally ill, and doesn’t want to burden her family and friends with the news.

Andee and Rowzee don't know it yet, but their journeys are going to help them uncover a secret. One that is going to affect them more than they could ever imagine.

My thoughts banner
Susan Lewis has spun a rather convoluted tale in The Moment She Left, there are so many threads to it, yet by the end they are woven in and make a complete picture.

Jessica is the young woman who has gone missing in London two years previous to the main story. She has left behind a broken hearted mother and father and twin brother Matt. It adds insult to injury as this family has already fled to Kesterley-on-Sea after Blake the dad was falsely accused of a crime he did not commit.

Andee  the ex detective is called in to help find out what might have happened to Jessica as the police have scaled back. In her own life she has decided she wants to divorce her husband who is really a pain in the butt.  Andee starts to ask questions that begin to open up the case again.

Rowzee the sixty five year old is battling a disease that is going to rob her of her life. So we follow her difficult journey as she wrestles with what she wants to do. She is delightful, yet wants to ensure all those around her are happy and will go to any length to ensure things will happen for them. She wants 'her dying wishes' to hold weight and a little power! Rowzee has a sister Pamela and a brother Graeme, and their is nothing  Rowzee would like more than to match them up to someone to love them before she goes.

Other people in the community and further afield wend their way into the story. In the end they are all linked in ways that could not be foreseen. Will Jessica ever be found? Will she be alive? Were the circumstances of her disappearance sinister or just part of going about her daily life?

A story of loss and hope, guilt and depression. But also one of a community that pulls together and people who care.


  1. Oh, this one looks really intriguing. If I've seen it before, I don't remember it, but I'll search out my library for it. I love books that involve the community helping and supporting each other. As dark as it seems, it looks to have a light at the end of the tunnel.

    1. There is some light at the end Kathy. I think this one is new out, may not be out in USA yet. Not sure.

  2. I enjoy this author, and this one sounds like my kind of read. I like the idea of characters of all ages, woven into a community, all connected. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Yes Laurel-Rain you are the only one I know in my blogging sphere who reads this author!

  3. I enjoy when an author weaves threads regarding different characters and ties them all together. Wonderful review!

    1. Thanks Kimba, all those threads but thank goodness they all tie in!

  4. Okay wow and drat, this looks fab and its not coming to the US :( Thanks for the great review

  5. I haven't heard of this author and it does sound like there is a LOT going on but it sounds like she does make it all work. I'll have to look for this one. I'd love to see how all those threads come together.

  6. There are a few genres I do not read, but I should try day
