
August 1, 2016

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? 1st August 2016


It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week.  It's a great post to organise yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog   and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date. And here we are!

Jen Vincent, Teach Mentor Texts, and Kellee of Unleashing Readers decided to give It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? a kidlit focus. If you read and review books in children’s literature – picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult novels, anything in the world of kidlit – join them!
a divide
And so we are into August. I can't believe how fast this year is going. 

I had to change up my reading plans for the past week because when reviewing my calendar I saw a few books I'd promised reviews for the coming week so I thought I'd better meet those commitments!    Finally I am getting my review pile more in control and soon will be reading more of those recently purchased books. Yay!

We continue to have a mild winter but strong winds. About 25min drive north of me, my niece and her hubby and her 2 and 1 year old were in the path of a mini tornado on Saturday. We don't usually get those. They all got under the bed when they heard the noise of it. We are more used to earthquakes! Fortunately their small house was okay.

What I read last week:

I finished listening to this. So good! I love the audio of this series, perfect narration
book cover

From my long time TBR pile, an enjoyable read.
book cover

From the review pile. Review posts will follow at some point.

book cover book cover< book cover

What I am reading at present:

Listening to:
book cover

From my recently purchased shelf
book cover

Up next:

book cover book cover

Posts from the last week:

a divide


  1. Yikes. Glad your niece and her family are okay. We had a mild winter too though it's been a hot summer. Not sure how next winter will go.

    I look forward to your review of Belgravia. I have that on my TBR pile but have to catch up on some review books first. Good for you for making progress with that. It is hard to balance review books with books from the library or bookstore, etc.

    Hope you have a great week!

  2. Oh, a mini tornado?! We had some of them during cyclone season a year or so ago and I've heard of others around the country. Are they suddenly more of a thing now, do you reckon?! Glad they're okay though.

    Am off to read your review of the Lisa Jewell book as am intrigued by it!

    1. Yes Deb I think the weather patterns have changed and they are becoming more of a thing.

  3. Yikes that's not their car I hope? Scary stuff. Glad they're okay. We had some strong wind and storms alst week too, but nothing like that.

    Glad your pile is getting whittled down. I read a book by Lisa Jewel- The Girls in the Garden- and liked it a lot!

    1. Ah yes that's their car! They can't afford another so hopefully they can get it fixed!

    2. Oh no- so sorry to hear that. Best wishes to them- that looks like a nasty storm!

  4. So cool to see that you are going to be reading Last Kiss by Luanne Rice. I enjoyed that one by her ( I think I have liked every one by her)

    Glad that your family is ok from the tornado. Something the weather can be strange.

  5. Yikes! Tornados are scary! I was near one (like about 100 yards away) a few years ago when I was visiting family in the midwest and it was one of the most terrifying experiences of my life. I'm glad you all are okay!

  6. I am glad your niece and family weren't hurt by the tornado. I've been through hurricanes so I know what that is like but I think tornadoes are very scary. Very strange weather occurring all around.
    Only A Kiss looks good. I'll have to look for that.
    I need to work on July Monthly Review and I never posted one for June!
    Hope you enjoy your reading this week.

  7. Glad your family are ok - don't think I would like to be on the end of a tornado, mini or otherwise! Hope this week is less dramatic weather wise.

  8. Glad everyone is OK, that must have been scary.

    I really must read a Susan Wiggs one day - I love that cover.

  9. Wow, tornadoes are scary! (And so are earthquakes, we've had those). Enjoy your August!

  10. How terrifying! I'm thankful everyone is okay. We get quite a few tornadoes through here every year. It's a scary season. I hope and pray this week is better for everyone. :)

  11. I'm glad everyone is okay after the tornadoes. How scary!

    Have a great week!

  12. The weather has been crazier and wilder this year for sure... glad your niece and her family are okay. Looking forward to your thoughts on Belgravia.

  13. Wow! A mini tornado? We don't get those nor earthquakes but had an ice storm one year.
    Glad your family is okay.

    You read some good books last week. I finally had more time to read since things were quieter for a bit and that felt good. Enjoy your next reads!

  14. Tornadoes are so scary. I'm glad they were OK! My son and I were driving under a cloud that looked like it was trying to funnel on Saturday. We kept a very close eye on that! We don't have many tornadoes here, either. We get the hurricanes.

  15. I am glad your niece and family are OK, that is scary.

  16. Crazy weather! I'm glad to hear your family is ok. Looks like you have some great books. Enjoy your week Kathryn.

  17. So glad your niece and family were not harmed.

    Best of luck getting your promised reviews done. I am sure you will.

    Have a great week.

    I can't believe August is here...Crazy!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

  18. Wow, crazy weather. We have a lot of tornadoes around here, but they’ve never done much damage to my property. A mini tornado did hit my trailer while I was camping in the desert. I didn’t have anywhere to hide, so I watched it go right past me and hit the trailer. It didn’t damage anything too badly.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  19. Oh no with the Tornado, is that their car that was damaged? Glad they are safe.

    I haven't heard of the Widows, will check that out, I like the cover.

  20. Great books this week! I made a conscious effort to limit my review committments for awhile and it was great to read those books on my shelf that I had been wanting to read. Have a great week!

  21. I'm so glad to hear your niece and her family are okay! I live in the city most likely to get hit by a tornado here in the US so they're a very real thing here and the damage they can do is extraordinary. The Mary Balogh looks really good. I'm way too behind on her books but am looking forward to getting back into her books.

  22. Hi Kathryn Happy Monday to you too
    I loved New York to Dallas and I've got a review for Must love Wieners plus an interview with the author coming up so stay tuned.
    Right now I'm reading and loving The Matchmakers of Minnow Bay and listening to The Bourbon Kings.
    Have a great week!

  23. Glad your niece and family are okay. I grew up in "tornado alley" here in the US. At least one day every spring/summer was spent in a basement waiting out a storm. I had never experienced an earthquake until last November when there was a little one here in Arizona. It was...weird.

  24. The "In Death" series has long been on my TBR pile! Glad to hear how much you enjoy the audiobooks. Happy reading!

    Here's mine:

    It's Monday What Are You Reading?

  25. (Got distracted by another blogger...sorry) Hey there. I've been up to my assets in alligators with paranormal books this month, but that's past, and I'm happily ensconced back in cozyland. Reading "Cracked to Death" right now

  26. Tornadoes are nothing to take lightly. It was 102 degrees (outside temperature) graveside at a friends funeral today in Alvin, Texas. I was afraid some of the deceased friends who had to stand like me would faint, but judging from the family, seated under the shade of a tent only made it hotter. They came out and stood with us. August usually brings the first of the 100 degree days, and today IS Aug. 1st. I am finishing SIGIL by Irish author, Adian Reid who is trying with this second novel to "break into the business" and get his name out there. The crime solver, a Father Ryan, in a tiny Irish town has his hands full, and a pentagram on a barn floor suggests there is a conspiracy of some kind afoot. I hope this poor guy doesn't get "offed" by his interest in solving a murder which is being passed off as a suicide! Great read.

  27. Oh boy; I hope to never experience a tornado. I would probably freak out like nonborn Californians freak out over earthquakes here. I'm glad your niece and ohana are okay and safe. I finished two books this week. I hope to get a post done tonight but have some cooking to do for the husband's week lunches first after hip hop.

  28. Wow, that looks like one heck of a storm! Yikes. Glad you were safe and sound.

    Enjoy your books this week!


    2016 Big Book Summer Challenge

  29. Hi Kathryn, Hello comment partner!! I'm looking forward to getting to know you this August. Yay! I was reading the history of It's Monday, and I love how you've kept the tradition going. You mentioned earthquakes being a more likely occurance than tornado, are you in the west coast? I'm sorry about the car, and am glad everyone is unharmed. I'm curious about J. Fellowes. Look forward to what you think of that. Take care! Lonna @ FLYLÄ“F

    1. Lonna Looking forward to catching up on your blog. Yes I am living on the west coast! But not in the USA - in New Zealand. West or east or middle, it is all earthquake country!!

  30. We've been house hunting lately, and one of my only stipulations is it has to have a basement because of tornadoes. Strangely enough we haven't had any tornado warnings all summer, which is odd. Must be because of our intense unusual heat.
    I hope you enjoy your reads this week!

    1. Yes I'd be wanting a basement for sure Brandie!

  31. I'm so glad they were safe honey!! Tornados, even mini ones, can obviously do a lot of damage. RE The Widows I love that cover, so I'm glad the story impressed you!
