
August 22, 2016

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? 22nd August.


It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week.  It's a great post to organise yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog   and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date. And here we are!

Jen Vincent, Teach Mentor Texts, and Kellee of Unleashing Readers decided to give It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? a kidlit focus. If you read and review books in children’s literature – picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult novels, anything in the world of kidlit – join them!
a divide
Hope you all had a good week and are happy with your Olympics viewing. I think my country is rather delighted with their athletes and I take quick peeks on the news!

Last week in a comment Judy asked how my quilting was going. Thanks Judy. As it turns out I had just finished one and delivered it to my young grand nephew Maximus who loves all the animals.
animal quilt

I also made a simple one for his one year old sister Scarlett, so two completed. Both of these have lovely cuddle fleece on the back so hopefully nice and cosy!
pink quilt
At the moment I am thinking about what I will make next and in the meantime am practising some skills for quilting.

I've been catching up on a few podcasts and really enjoy What Should I Read Next? One I listened to has made me realise I might be avoiding Jane Steele for no good reason ( I keep rescheduling it on my reading plan). I listened to one Mamamia Book Club and enjoyed where they took The Husband's Secret apart by Liane Moriarty. I have quite a few more to listen to. 

Other than that it has been a quiet week, beautiful weather to be enjoyed.

What I read last week:

This one is for review later in the month. I really enjoyed it as I do all of Jodi Thomas books.
book cover

This one was from my recently bought books and I loved it. Review in the coming week.

book cover

And from the TBR pile I am making inroads into the J.D. Robb series #34
book cover

What I am reading at present:

Still listening to....      
book cover

Review book...
book   cover

Up next:

book cover
Review book: This may a bit of a stretch for me but will see how I go. James Joyce was her father, Samuel Beckett was her father. A fictionalised story of Lucia Joyce.

Posts from the last week:

Belgravia   Julian Fellowes

a divide


  1. What gorgeous quilts! I love the names of you niece and nephew: Scarlett and Maximus sound like children from a book.

    I am very sorry that I am so behind on the J.D. Robb series...I think it's hopeless, but I might still get to them.

    Enjoy your week!

  2. I enjoyed the Olympics. I thought NZ athlete Carrington did well in kayaking. And The Beekeeper's secret looks nice.

  3. Your quilts are so endearing. Simply lovely. I like the look of Sarah Morgan's book. Hope you have a great reading week.

  4. I will have to check back to see your review of The Beekeeper's Secret as I am interested in your thoughts. The Joyce Girl looks like a good read, I put in a request to review this book from The Reading room but missed out. Love your quilting, very cute.

  5. Love those quilts, they're both fabulous! Lots of great reading there, I'm so behind with the In Death books and have no idea what number I'm up to. Maybe #30?!

    Have a great reading week :)

  6. I haven't watched any games... just dont have much free time.

    I love you quilt! I'd like to be able to do that one day!

  7. I love your quilt work! So beautiful! Can't help but think of "How to make an American Quilt".

  8. I am impressed that you have time to read with all the quilting. Beautiful quilts!

  9. Sunrise Crossing looks like a book I'd enjoy! Your quilts are beautiful!!
    Happy reading this week!

  10. Those quilts are lovely. You must have a lot of patience to sew all those squares together!

  11. Lovely quilts, Kathryn. You are very talented! I enjoyed the audio as well as print versions of Jane Steele. Had a review copy and then used an Audible credit to read a little faster :) I'm going to check out the What Should I Read Next podcast.

  12. I love your quilts! The racoons and foxes on the first one are so cute.

  13. I just love your quilts, both are beautiful! Here's the silly question coming: do you hand-stitch or use a sewing machine? I'm asking because I once wanted to make a quilt and I don't have/don't know how to use a machine.

    Your podcasts sound interesting. I don't listen to audiobooks or podcasts, but I should break down and listen to something, to expand my horizons. And The Beekeeper's Secret sounds cute and I might like that one!

    1. Rita you can hand sew or machine a quilt. I'd be no good at the hand sewing! I couldn't really use a sewing machine before I started this new hobby! I am still very much learning.

  14. Great book choices Kathryn, I reviewed the Morgan for RT and I just got in the mail this morning the December trilogy end that I'll be reviewing next month Miracle on 5th Avenue. Happy Monday lady!!

  15. Love the quilts! I haven't gotten into podcasts but I think I am going to have to check out What Should I Read Next? - sounds interesting. Happy reading!

  16. Oh, I LOVE the animal one! My son would love it too, so cute!

  17. I love What Should I Read Next! Though it is seriously dangerous on my TBR pile. Jane Steele is one I want to read as well. It sounds interesting. I'm curoius about The Joyce Girl and I have the Sarah Morgan series on my TBR. I adore the quilts - especially the animal one and absolutely love that they're lined with fleece. That just sounds unbelievably cozy.

  18. I have Jane Steele on my TBR pile...the only reason I haven't gotten to it is that I have too many other "scheduled" books to read first!

  19. Wow, your quilts are beautiful! I am very impressed by sewing talent because I have none!

    Thanks for the heads up on the books podcast - my favorite one, Books on the Nightstand, just ended :(

    Enjoy your books this week!


    Book By Book

  20. OMGosh, these quilts are so cute! That animal one I can see must have been so much work. What an awesome gift it is. I just finished a book last night but I'm too tired from all of this running around to post this week. Next week I will.

  21. Love the quilts, was just saying to my mom today, I would like to learn how to make them. Maybe I should listen to the podcast as I've had Jane Steele sitting on my shelf for awhile too.

  22. Beautiful, beautiful quilts.

    ENJOY your reading week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

  23. Love the quilts. Have a good week and enjoy all your books.

  24. Great job with the quilts. They are beautiful. Hope you have a nice week.

  25. The quilts are gorgeous! Happy reading!

  26. Quilts completed!!! Wonderful. Love both of them. For a beginner you are doing really well. I am working on a 5 yard quilt for a new baby in our extended family. He is not here yet, but I had better get busy. I usually send my quilts off to the longarm quilter, so I am so envious of you for doing the quilting yourself. Keep up the good work. I am so far behind in my reading, it is just depressing!

    1. Thanks Judy. It is a mission to quilt them myself, but as I have the time I want to learn! Sometimes reading does get behind but then other things are important too!

  27. Needless to say...but, I'm gonna say it anyways because who doesn't love compliments...those quilts are adorable! My younger son is a blanket baby, and he brings his security blanket everywhere. The Beekeeper's Secret looks very intriguing! I'll have to look into that, and I look forward to your review.
