
August 8, 2016

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? 8th August 2016


It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week.  It's a great post to organise yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog   and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date. And here we are!

Jen Vincent, Teach Mentor Texts, and Kellee of Unleashing Readers decided to give It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? a kidlit focus. If you read and review books in children’s literature – picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult novels, anything in the world of kidlit – join them!
a divide
Well my Monday started with a heavy frost on the ground. Much of the country has snow, although not where I am, we hardly ever see it except on the back hills.  I love cold weather so I am happy.

Last Tuesday I looked after my two and half year old great nephew at his grandmother's house for six hours, as everyone had to be elsewhere. I really enjoyed it but was exhausted for about two days after! He experienced the mini tornado last week so a couple of times he told me about the big bad wind. Usually he would be keen to go out to the park etc, but he wanted to stay at Nanny's house, so that's what we did. It is going to take him time to regain his confidence. I was amazed at a two year olds vocabulary and how well we could communicate.  

I also went to see The BFG movie  (Roald Dahl), for old times sakes of reading it aloud to classes. I actually couldn't remember it that well, but my teacher colleague and friend could tell me all the strayings from the book!    I could just remember the bond it formed with the listeners as I read it but it was many years ago now. Nothing better than a read aloud book that works.                        

What I read last week:

From my TBR shelf I read these. Both very enjoyable and four star reads.
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Family Tree is for review and their will be a post, I liked it of course, although not quite as much as some of her other books.

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This is an historical romance, part of a series called the Survivor's Club and I liked it a lot.

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What I am reading at present:

Today I will be starting a book from an Australian author I really, really enjoy. Publishes this week.

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I will be starting to listen to...
I just need to get out walking again - been a bit lazy. Okay... a lot!
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Up next:

I did set out to read this one a couple of weeks ago but got sidetracked. Will be a definite this week!
Then on to...
One I bought recently and just must read!!
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Posts from the last week:

Must Love Wieners   Casey Griffin
Sweet Carolina Morning   Susan Schild

a divide


  1. I don't think I ever read The BFG. I hope you enjoyed the movie version. I was charmed by the film version of Matilda years ago.

    You have several books on your list I want to try. I'm curious about the Susan Wiggs book. I've liked some of her books in the past.

    I'm not a fan of cold weather. I'm enjoying the warm sunny days though I know that fall is on its way.

  2. I've been wanting to read Family Tree...and I'm also curious about the Shelley Noble book. I haven't read her yet, but have one of her books on my stack.

    Enjoy your week, and how great that you could hang out with your great nephew.

  3. Ah frost and snow. I have to admit there's a part of me that looks forward to the crisp, cooler air- although I don't want to come to soon! Glad you got some nice family time, and got to see a fun movie too! Have a nice week ahead. :)

  4. I have a feeling your great-nephew won't forget about the tornado for a long time! It amazes me what my kids can still remember from when they were about that age!

  5. I usually enjoy Luanne Rice and Susan Wiggs' books. These sound really good. Have a great week!

  6. What fun with your great nephew. Thanks for sharing. They are a treat, but I agree they can be exhausting. :) Glad you got to enjoy him. I hope the tornado doesn't scare him for much longer.

    Looks like a good reading week.

    ENJOY this week and your cold temperatures. I LOVE the heat we are having. I do not like winter and cold. :)

    Silver's Reviews
    My It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

  7. Wow. Frost!

    And I'm eager to see The BFG, too. I never read it aloud to classes (I bet that was tricky!) but I read it with our sons when they were little boys.

  8. I would like to see BFG, too. That is one of Roald Dahl's that I haven't read, but I enjoyed his others. It's always nice when you see that moment of excitement from read alouds. :)

  9. Your poor nephew. That had to be so scary for him. That's great you got to spend that time together. It's amazing how big their personalities can be that young.

  10. I can't wait for the cold weather. I know how you feel about watching a little one, I watch my great niece on Thursdays and it exhausts me, she is just crawling, I can't imagine when she starts really getting around. Have a nice week.

  11. Today is my first time on this feature, so there are plenty of new things I need to have a look at! I don't know any of the books you've listed, but will have a look at The Survivors Club series. Great meme! Hope to join in more often.

  12. Thanks for sharing Kathryn just more proof that we were separated at birth :)
    I've got the Susan Wiggs, Beth Harbison and Marie Force on my pile. And while I LOVE Luanne Rice's writing style I cannot read her anymore because of her book Cloud Nine that I read during my husband's battle with cancer.

    1. Sounds like the wrong book at the wrong time Debbie. I haven't read Cloud Nine although read quite a few of hers. She has had her own struggles from what I have read on her website.

  13. I'm reading Family Tree next, I'm posting for TLC Book Tours on the 18th. Happy Reading!

  14. Hey, I just read my first-ever Luanne Rice novel - I listened to her YA novel The Secret Language of Sisters on audio & enjoyed it very much. I'll have to check out some of her grown-up novels now.

    Frost sounds pretty nice to me right now. We had a little break from the heat for a few days (relatively speaking) but are headed back to super-hot and humid this week. Ugh.

    ha ha - watching a 2-year old for 6 hours DOES sound exhausting!! But fun, too.

    Enjoy your books & your cooler weather this week!


    2016 Big Book Summer Challenge

  15. I love Mary Balogh and I'm looking forward to your post on the Susan Wiggs book. I usually love her but it's been awhile since I've read anything by her. Keeping your nephew sounds fun though I'm sure exhausting! I hope he isn't too scared of the tornado. Have a great week and enjoy your reading!

  16. Susan Wigg has been on my TBR for sometime and I can't believe I haven't got around to reading of her books yet. Your day babysitting sounded fun, I love kids at that age.

  17. I loved listening to The BFG on some free, Youtube video. It was a great book. It took a bit for me to get into the book but once the plot was established, I fell in love with the giant and his mannerisms. I figured the movie was Hollywoodized. I'm glad I'm waiting for Netflix.

  18. My book group is reading one of Susan Wigg's books this month. I'm looking forward to it. Have a great week and happy reading!

  19. My grandson is 14 months old and after two days I am worn out as well! I've got the last book in the Survivor Club to read. My daughter is reading the Fatal series and loves it. I need to get to it soon.

  20. Our youngest granddaughter is 4 but are son and d-i-l are expecting twins by the end of this month. I know I would be worn out watching little ones for a day.
    I hope you and family continue to be safe from the storms.
    I do love Balogh's historicals.
    I have a couple of Marie Force books and I need to pull one into my TBR reading soon. Thanks for the reminder.
    Happy Reading!

  21. I've read a few of Mary Balogh's The Surviors series and enjoyed them. I also like that these books don't have to be read in order.

  22. I love the book of the BFG, I hope to see the film soon! This week I am reading Gemina, book 2 in the Illuminae series and it is fantastic!
