
October 17, 2016

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? 17th October


It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week.  It's a great post to organise yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog   and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date. And here we are!

Jen Vincent, Teach Mentor Texts, and Kellee of Unleashing Readers decided to give It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? a kidlit focus. If you read and review books in children’s literature – picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult novels, anything in the world of kidlit – join them!
a divide
The winner from last week's draw for $12 celebrating It's Monday! link up was Bibliophile @ Reading in Reykjavik , I have emailed and just waiting for a reply.

For the final week there will be a $15 (U.S.) Amazon voucher or book to that value from the Book Depository for one person randomly chosen on the link up.

Well Spring marches on with its crazy weather. I even lit the fire one day, but we are back to higher temps again. I got some reading done, some gardening too with plenty of scratches! I went to our local annual second hand book fair that raises money for various charities. I came back with eighteen books so was picky. I haven't read most of the ones I got last year. I also went to our knitting group and finished a couple of the sheep I am knitting for the nativity set to be raffled, as I spend my time patch working, not much time for knitting!                                                         

What I read last week:

Two review books...
book cover book cover

And one from my recently bought shelf...

book cover

What I am reading at present:

Miranda Hart of the British sitcom Miranda and the drama Call the Midwife. shares about life with her dog. I love her humour, and can hear her voice as I read, so no hardship there!

Also listening to Colleen Hoover's It Stops With Us on audio.

Up next:

book cover

Posts from the last week:

The Language of Sisters    Cathy Lamb
The Life She Wants    Robyn Carr
Sold Short   Ainslie Paton
a divide


  1. I love book fairs. I didn't get much reading done last time,maybe this week will be better. Just a busy week. You guys are starting to warm up I guess and we're cooling down ever so much- although we did get into the 70's a bit this week. Fall is definitely here though.

    Isn't it funny how that goes, when we pick up a bunch of books and then sometimes never get to them? ;)

  2. Oh, the book fair sounds like fun.

    I loved Flight Patterns...hope you enjoyed it, too. Thanks for hosting, and have a great week.

  3. The Education of Dixie Dupree and Flight Patterns both look good. I hope you enjoy them!

  4. I do so like the mix of reads here. Enjoy them all.

  5. Peggy and Me sounds like a good book, I will have to order that up from the library.

    1. Hehe. It's all about her dog and she makes a good argument for how they are better than cats!!!

  6. I love book fairs! Our library has one once a year and the variety they have is fantastic.

  7. That Miranda Hart book looks awesome, she's such an awesome, quirky lady, it would probably be very entertaining!

  8. Our temperatures are mixed here too Kathryn. Some mornings have been quite cold, but we've had (some) almost 30C days.

  9. I love Miranda Hart. Her show Miranda had me in stitches. I hope the book is as funny.

  10. My book totals are going to soar next week as I dig into my Cybils fiction picture book reads. Have a good week!

  11. We have had similar spring weather, up and down in temps. Our mornings and evenings are still cold. Last Wednesday we had a 33 degree day! I hope you enjoyed buying up the book fair you attended, 18 books sounds great.
    I hope you enjoy the Miranda Hart book. We read her last one for book club, it was a fun read!
    Have a great week :-)

    Amanda @ Mrs B's Book Reviews

  12. Miranda Hart's book appeals to me - really enjoyed her in Call the Midwife. Have a nice week!

  13. ENJOY the warm temperatures.

    It has been unseasonably warm here for fall, and I love it. :)

    Love your book line up. I LOVED Flight Patterns.

    The Education of Dixie Dupree looks the cover.

    ENJOY your reading week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday, What Are You Reading

  14. Nice selection of books. I want to add the Margaret Way one to my list. Looks good. Have a great week!

  15. I absolutely loved Flight Pattersn. I hope you are enjoying it. Have a great week!

  16. You've had a busy week. I like book sales that profit charities. Hope you get to read some of the books you bought. Happy reading week!

  17. The education of Dixie Dupree looks interesting! I've been wanting to read It Stops With Us too. Hope you enjoy :)

    You've had a busy week with the knitting and charity event! I'm getting much pickier too, because of time to read books. Well enjoy!

  18. The Miranda Hart book looks lovely! I cannot wait to hear your thoughts about it. I have heard great things about her.

  19. Oh, boy - a book sale!! I have to avoid those because I have SO many books here at the house still waiting to be read! We don't have a TBR pile - we have an entire bookcase.

    Sounds like you had a good week - enjoy your books this week!


    Book By Book

  20. Enjoy your early Spring-like weather. I'm envious of your book sale and it's only understandable to other book lovers that picking up 18 books is considered being "picky" lol.

    Can you post a pic of a sheep you are knitting? Sounds so nice and it's wonderful that you are doing it for a raffle! Have a good week ahead, Kathryn :)

  21. I'm starting the second on my contracted January reviews Death on the Patagonian Express by Hy Conrad

  22. You had a busy week and so did I, getting ready for and hosting a book party. We were off in attendance (We meet once a quarter) but we made up for having too much food by going to the table more than once! Thank you Debbie, from Readerbuzz for coming and especially for bringing books for my Little Free Library. I have already put the Halloween ones out. Students coming home from school will find Bunnicula (which I ALWAYS read aloud to my sixth graders back in the day) and others waiting for them. I read quite a lot during the PWR Marathon leading up to the "race" (the book party) and whittled down my TBR stack by two books. Marathons motivate me.

  23. We're just now starting to not be boiling and you're cooling down! I struggle to get my head around how are climates are the opposite! The book fair sounds like so much fun but so dangerous! I'm curious about Poinciana Road. It caught my eye on NetGalley but I resisted because I'm so behind. Looking forward to your review! Have a great week!

  24. We are supposed to be getting some heat but right now it has been very nice. Knitting sheep sounds lovely!
    You have a good collection of reading selections.
    What Happens in London was wonderful; Heroes Are My Weakness -- I'm still considering. Happy reading!

  25. Our library has monthly sales but I keep forgetting to go. Eighteen books doesn't seem picky to me at all. That's an impressive haul!

  26. Low Country Christmas sounds perfect for me - that is definitely going on the Christmas reads list. :) Have a great week!
