
October 31, 2016

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? 31st October


It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week.  It's a great post to organise yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog   and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date. And here we are!

Jen Vincent, Teach Mentor Texts, and Kellee of Unleashing Readers decided to give It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? a kidlit focus. If you read and review books in children’s literature – picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult novels, anything in the world of kidlit – join them!
a divide
Well another week marches on. For those who celebrate Halloween, have a great and fun evening. 

Well Spring still seems to be a little unsettled weather wise, so a little gardening when I can. I also went back to my old school to help out on what we call Mission Day - a fun fair for raising money for those in need. One of the other past teachers and I did the morning teas. I was totally ready to come home and put my feet up at the end of it - too tired even to read well!!  
serving morning tea
The children had put a $2 price on it, I added a .50c - its a money making business!! Or should I say - giving business!    

What I read last week:

From the backlist and recently bought a light happy read.
book cover
Finished this audiobook. #3 in her MacGregor family series. Was just okay.

For review and loved it - Faithful.

book cover

What I am reading at present:

Listening to....
book cover

Reading for review....
book cover

Up next:

One I should have read for review long ago!
book cover

And one coming up for review and blog tour.  If you know me, it may not quite be my kind of usual read!! We shall see how I go.
book cover

Posts from the last week:

A Lowcountry Christmas  Mary Alice Monroe
Peggy and Me    Miranda Hart

a divide


  1. Mission Day looks like fun...and so do your books. I, too, loved Faithful. Enjoy your week!

  2. I hadn't heard of Nalini Singh until recently and then about 5 people mentioned her. She definitely looks like and author I should try out!

    1. Hope you give her a go Melinda. Her Psy/Changling series I totally devoured!

  3. I've made 2 requests in NG for the new Karen Rose. One was declined so I'm waiting on the other!

    1. Hachette Australia should have that for you Deborah!

  4. I love Karen rose books. They arw definitely very suspenseful. I hope you like it even if it is a different genre for you.

    1. Seems like a couple of you like Karen Rose so that is leaving me very positive Viki.

  5. I hope Mission Day was a great success.

    I haven't read that Kristan Higgins novel. I will have to read it sometime.

    Have a great week!

    1. A backlist is always great when you like the author.

  6. Looks like a good little tea and coffee operation going there- and some treats as well. Looks yummy! Hope your spring weather settles down- we seem to have settled into some relatively stable cooler weather here, although it got blustery late last week.

    And Every Dark Corner looks like it could be a little tense!

    1. Yes we shall see Greg, it does look a bit dark and promises tension by the look of the cover and blurb.

  7. How fun about the tea.

    Looks like some good books in your queue.

    This year as we have said ALL year is just flying. Too fast for me.

    ENJOY this week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday, What Are You Reading

  8. I really want to read Alice Hoffman and I've also heard good things in the past about Karen Rose so two books for my list there. Have a good week!

  9. It was the running of the book fair last week that wore me out. Good thing these exhausting activities are for a good cause!

    Glad to see you liked Faithful. I have it awaiting me.

  10. Good reading and listening going on ... so fun to think of Halloween as a spring event.

  11. I hope you enjoy "Jane Steele" -- it was one of my favorites this year! Mission Day looks like a great little fundraiser. Hope you grabbed some tea and goodies for yourself -- sounds like you earned it! :)

  12. Looks like your morning tea went well. For a good cause too.

    Loving your books this week - Faithful, Nora Roberts and JD Robb. Good to see Karen Rose has a new one out too.

    Happy Halloween. Have a lovely week and enjoy your books.

    Amanda @ Mrs B's Book Reviews

  13. Looks like your morning tea went well. Wonderful reading! Thanks for sharing.

  14. Enjoy your books! They look like good ones. Have a great week!

  15. I love how you snuck in the $0.50 :) I'm also listening to In Death, though I'm in the teens, people considerably behind! Enjoy. Have a great week :)

  16. I love volunteer work. You look great in that pic. Your smile says it all. I see you're reading a good mix of books. I'm curious about Faithful and what you'll think of Jane Steele. I haven't read it but the reviews have been good.

  17. Happy Halloween! It's one of our favorite holidays :)

    Sounds like you had a very busy week but a good one!

    Enjoy your books this week!


    Book By Book

  18. Faithful was amazing...and Roberts and Higgins are great for lighthearted reads that you know will deliver!

    Happy Halloween!

  19. I want to read Faithful. I think I've read ALL her books--started back in the 70's, and once I'm a fan, I follow faithfully. Finding an author you like means you'll (usually) like all her stuff, if nothing else, just to admire her versatility or see her develop and grow over the years,

  20. Faithful is on my wish list so I'm glad you loved it!

  21. These look like great covers. I would have totally supported the tea. I hope it did well.

  22. I'm looking forward to seeing your thoughts on Jane Steele! That's been on my TBR for ages. I'm not sure if I've read that Nora Roberts. You've got me curious!

  23. Your help with the Mission Day was probably special.
    Lots of good looking books. You got me interested in Faithful. And every time you post a JD Robb I want to pull another from my TBR to read.
