
October 3, 2016

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? October 2016


It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week.  It's a great post to organise yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog   and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date. And here we are!

Jen Vincent, Teach Mentor Texts, and Kellee of Unleashing Readers decided to give It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? a kidlit focus. If you read and review books in children’s literature – picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult novels, anything in the world of kidlit – join them!
a divide
So can you believe it - we are into October. It is all going too fast. October is now a special month to me for this meme because it is in October that I took on hosting it from Sheila at Book Journey. October 19th 2015 was my first one. So for the next two posts and then the 17th of October I will be doing a giveaway to thank you for continuing to be part of it or if you are new this year - thanks for joining us. This week every link up is an entry.

This week there is a  choice of(U.S.)$12 Amazon voucher or book to approx that value from the Book Depository for one lucky participant. Winner will be announced on link up next week.

I might have (or not) mentioned that I have been irritated by requests to my email asking me Stacey (not) to review their book and someone just yesterday told me where they sourced it. So I clicked over and found the source. I  emailed the site to ask them to take it down. The site was tweet my books dot com and the link to Stacey's website actually goes to mine. However I have to say the website contacted me and are putting it right!!   Odd though.    

What I read last week:

Review Books
book cover book cover

From my own bookshelf 

 book cover

What I am reading at present:

From my recently bought list I am just starting...
book cover

And still listening to my Catherine Ryan Hyde audiobook Don't Let Me Go

Up next.

Then from the review shelf...

book ocver

From the TBR shelf if time allows
book cover

Posts from the last week:

The Promise Kitchen   Peggy Lampman

a divide


  1. September flew by so fast for me! Glad you figured out the review request emails. Can't believe it has already been a year for hosting IMWAYR?! Thanks again for taking over this meme.

  2. The JoJo Moyes book is new to me...and so is the Cathy Lamb. They both look tempting.

    Enjoy your week!

  3. I can't believe it's October either. This year is just flying by.

    Thank you for continuing to host the It's Monday meme. I really enjoy participating. Thanks for the giveaway too,

    I want to read Two by Two and will probably check it out from the library sometime. You have some other interesting books on your list too.

    Hope you have a wonderful week!

  4. Wonderful that it has been a year that you have been hosting IMWAYR. You are doing a marvelous job, Kathryn. THANK YOU.

    I would have been annoyed being called the incorrect name, but good to hear you found out what the problem was.

    I get called Silver's instead of Elizabeth at times. :)

    Gaining Visibility looks interesting. Love the cover.

    ENJOY your week....they go way too fast don't they?

    Silver's Reviews
    My It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

  5. I love Jojo Moyes so I was excited to discover The Horse Dancer which I have not seen before. Yes, I can't believe we are in October! Thanks for continuing with this meme and for offering a giveaway too.

  6. Oh wow, has a year passed already? That's amazing.

    I'm seeing Two by Two in a few places so wondering what you think!

  7. Congrats on a year! That's gone by fast and it's nice that you took this on and continue it. Thank you! So glad you continued it. And have a wonderful week. :)

  8. Congrats on hosting the meme for a year! I'm so glad you've kept it going.

  9. Congrats on a year. Thanks for taking it over.

    That Christmas book looks cool, hope it is good.

  10. That's interesting; can an author actually request for her book to not be reviewed? That seems impossible. That A Promise of Fire looks like it has a kicka** heroine. The sisters one sound good. I look forward to your reviews. I will post my link after it publishes PST.

    1. Stefanie - no, what I was trying to say was that I kept getting emails calling me Stacey and asking me to review their book!! I was getting tired of it, when someone gave me where they were getting it I went there and found my avatar image and profile ( not mine) and a link which while it didn't say my blog clicked over to it. I asked them to take it down and they have, so hopefully no more requests from that quarter, I have no idea where they even got it. I wonder if they just made it up actually.

    2. How horrible and what a pest. Glad you were able to fix that nuisance.

  11. I can't believe October is here - madness! Ah, I love why October is such a special month for you, and I can't believe a year has nearly already passed since the IMWAYR baton was handed over! Thank you so much for taking on the task!

    I really would love to read more of Nicholas Sparks books - I think I've only read one or two. I hope you enjoy all your upcoming reads!

  12. Happy anniversary, Kathryn!
    October in my part of the world has been cold, wet and windy so far - not an unusual occurrence. I just hope "snowy" will not be added to that description.
    Kathryn, could someone have been trying to annoy you with that false profile and link? I can't see someone doing this accidentally.

    1. What I think is that the site may have done it to drum up business for themselves. Although that is only speculation on my part. Anyway total profile attributed to Stacey but linking to me has gone!

  13. Happy Meme-aversary!

    I've been getting odd pitch email lately too -- I'm going to check out that site and see if I'm on it.

  14. We should be having a giveaway to thank you for taking this on. I appreciate you for running this each week!

  15. Wow! It's hard to believe it's been a year since you began hosting this meme. Times does go by fast. Glad to hear you were able to contact that company about the strange emails and the problem will be resolved. Have a great week.

  16. The Nicholas Sparks book caught my eye! Enjoy!

  17. The Christmas Town looks good and I need to get the Nicholas Sparks one for my niece.

  18. Congrats on the anniversary! And thanks for thinking of us. I have the Sparks book coming, can't wait! And The Language of Sisters looks so good - I love that cover. I am one of 3 sisters. And I love when the Christmas books start rolling around. Have a good week and happy reading.

  19. Can you believe I have never read a Nicholas Sparks novel?? He is my cousin's favorite author. I do have one on my shelf - need to squeeze it in!

    I haven't read a JoJo Moyes novel yet, either - she is a more recent hit, but I need to remedy that.

    Congratulations on your anniversary - you're doing a great job! - and enjoy your books this week -


    Book By Book

  20. Great choices Kathryn I'm so ready to get out of my shorts and tees, put on some flannel and get my holiday reads on! I just finished a December thriller oooh it was good. :)

  21. Congratulations on one year, and thanks so much for hosting the link up for us!!

  22. Hard to think it's been a year. Happy anniversary x

  23. Happy one year anniversary! Thank you for taking over this meme! Hope you have a great week!

  24. Awe, congratulations on completing your first year with flying colors, Kathryn! I promise, as soon as I can, I'll participate. And, it's not b/c your doing a giveaway--because I want to! :) I'm really looking forward to hearing your thoughts on A Promise of Fire. I love fantasy! Also, hopefully you'll resolve that technical difficulty soon. Fingers crossed.

    1. Short answer to A Promise of Fire was that I loved it!

  25. Oh Two by Two I can't wait to read that one! I would love to read The Horse Dancer too - enjoy :-) Happy anniversary wishes to you as well for the meme takeover.

    Have a great week :-)
    Amanda @ Mrs B's Book Reviews
