
November 14, 2016

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? 14th Nov


It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week.  It's a great post to organise yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog   and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date. And here we are!

Jen Vincent, Teach Mentor Texts, and Kellee of Unleashing Readers decided to give It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? a kidlit focus. If you read and review books in children’s literature – picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult novels, anything in the world of kidlit – join them!
a divide
Well last week was a big week politically for the USA and the rest of the world, like many I was glued to the TV watching with disbelief at the results. What tickled me was the very tired ten year old who sighed and almost fell asleep. Also the air brush goldfish kisses of congratulations!

Apart from that it was a pretty ordinary week, mostly it rained and seemingly another such week of it to look forward to!!

What week is ever ordinary! A severe earthquake at 2 min past midnight woke me up this morning and had me out of bed and seeking a doorway. (Don't think you are meant to do that but didn't have much to get under).  So no sleep as we were rocked by quake after quake all night.  A 7.5 but the epicentre is a little away from where I live. I only lost some books off my shelf, and we lost power for awhile. The house rocked like a bucking bronco for at least a minute. The epicentre (oops another one as I write) is in a farming and small town area so really still waiting to hear of  damage.  Imagine living right at the centre. It is at times like this that I think I'd like to live in another country!!

What I read last week:

I finished listening to....

I read for review.
book cover book cover
I read from my TBR
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Blackpeak Vines was set in New Zealand and the setting was beautiful and the book was well written. It was a 3 star read for me and I won't continue with the series, as just not enough happened for me, perhaps because I had just finished Every Dark Corner which was action packed.

What I am reading at present:

From my recently bought shelf...
book cover

And I have started listening to...
book cover

Up next:

From the TBR
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And from the review shelf...
book cover

Posts from the last week:

Faithful     Alice Hoffman

a divide


  1. So sorry you experienced such a frightening event. I hope the worst of it is over. The Summer Bride has such an inviting cover.

  2. Glad you're okay! I read something about an earthquake in New Zealand but of course our news is still focused on the election results.

    Hope you have a great week and some good books to read.

  3. It seems lately all I hear about are earthquakes. Fist Italy, now New Zealand! How scary. I'm glad you're all right.

    Sandra who is on my review team read The Revenants too and liked it. Hope you have a great reading week with no more tremors.

  4. I'm glad you are safe and aren't near water. My mum told me the tsunami warning was cancelled earlier today so that is good. I'm still waiting to hear from her as I don't know what the cruise line's plans are in regards to stopping off at New Zealand.

  5. I read the news just now, glad to know that you're okay :)
    Have a good week!

  6. I'm so glad you're okay, I heard about the earthquake earlier today and thought of you when I saw New Zealand. Wow a 7.5. That's a biggie! And a full minute- yikes. I hope you don't get anymore or at least not anymore big ones. And yes the election was an earthquake of a different sort ha ha although it's not really funny. It's been an interesting week, no doubt!

    Hope Three Wishes is good. I like Liane Moriarty.

  7. That earthquake must have been scary. I am glad you are OK.

  8. Wow, earthquakes are familiar to me, but we haven't had any in a while..knock wood! So far, I've never been in the epicenter, but one had its center only 60 miles away.

    Enjoy your week! Hopefully calmer...

  9. I saw the news as I was going to bed. My bff is in Christchurch and she was away though her partner had to evacuate (with their dogs) cos they're near the beach.

    I've just booked flights for 4-5 days with them in December and now feel a little unenthusiastic about it!

  10. Earthquakes suck. The biggest I've experienced was a 5.-something, and that was bad enough. I'm glad you're okay and I hope your house hasn't been damaged.

  11. Yikes! I'm glad to hear that you are okay after the earthquake and that your home didn't suffer any serious damage. I have to admit that I'm terrified of earthquakes--and we are supposed to get "the big one" at any moment. Yikes!

  12. Sorry to hear about your earthquakes. I've only ever been in one biggish one, and the motion was so side to side that it was more like an amusement park ride.

    Hope you're finished with aftershocks.

  13. Glad you're OK after the earthquake. Saw some horrible pics on the internet - one guy had his pool water come into his lounge room. I love Christchurch and Blenheim, hope people are going OK.

    Hope this week is more settled for everyone!

  14. Wow, the earthquake sounds like frightening stuff. I'm glad to hear you are ok. NZ is such a nice country though, I would love to visit one day!
    I will have to check your review of Faithful, I picked up a copy last week. I'm glad to hear the new Karen Rose was a good read, I have one coming my way from a friend. Thanks for your update on the Blackpeak book, I have a set of three I hope to get through one day.
    Have a lovely and hopefully less eventful week!

  15. I am thinking of you all and hope there will not be too many bad effects of it, although it was a very strong one. I was once in an earthquake in Egypt and it is not a pleasant experience. Take care!

  16. I hope you, your family and friends are o.k. I can't imagine experiencing an earthquake and wish you well. Scary. Emma

  17. I thought of you when I heard about the earthquake. Such an extremely frightening experience.

    Glad to see you are ok...I hope your family is also ok.

    I hope you have a good reading week.

    Three Wishes and The Bishop's Girl look good.

    Take care.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday, What Are You Reading

  18. Yikes! How scary :( Glad you're okay and hopefully the epicenter is doing okay too. I'm also enjoying some JD Robb at the moment! Dependable fun to get us through these crazy times!!

  19. I just heard about your earthquake and am glad to learn you're okay and yes there was a HUGE earthquake here in the US also when the country elected this pus-y grabbing, degenerate. Oh did I say that in my outside voice! Yeah well I guess we can survive 4yrs of anything! (I hope)

  20. Earthquakes and all, New Zealand is a popular country! I understand that the number of people visiting immigration web sites in New Zealand has increased tremendously after the US Election!
    Glad you and your family are safe.

  21. Wow, that sounds really frightening! Are earthquakes common in NZ? I have only ever experienced one earthquake - a 4.something with its epicenter nearby when I was in college. I slept in the top bunk and thought my roommate was shaking the bed! Can't even imagine a 7.5. Glad you and your family are OK.

    Enjoy your books this week!


    Book By Book

  22. The earthquakes sound crazy! I've never been through one and I can't imagine how it feels to have the earth rocking under your feet like that. Enjoy your reading and I hope this week actually is a calm one!

  23. Wow that sounds frightening. I don't think I've ever felt an earthquake...though we thought we felt a few one day but later were told it was just military planes breaking the sound barrier above us :-/

  24. Yikes, that earthquake sounds scary. We've only had very minor tremors but man do we sometimes get pelted with snow!

  25. Just want to say again that I'm glad you are okay! That was so frightening to see on the news, let alone live through! When I lived in FL we got hurricanes and tropical storms regularly, but luckily I never had more damage than a tree or two knocked down. But nature is scary wherever you go-- here it's brush fires, usually set by crazy arsonists that destroy land and houses :(

    I've read most or all of Barbara O'Neal's books and that one is a very good one-- hope you like it!

  26. I thought of you as soon as I heard of the earth quake and wondered if it was near you. I will keep you and your community in my thoughts and prayers. Yes - a rough election in the US. I thought Trump's son looked a little sleepy too. Have a great week Kathryn.

  27. Yes, Trump's son was falling asleep on his feet, bless his heart.
    I've been praying for safety for you and your country. I like the cover on Revenants. Happy Reading!

  28. Oh no, I have heard them being bad there

  29. Glad to hear you didn't have any damage from the earthquake and that you were safe.

  30. Oh that earthquake sounds so scary, glad it wasn't too serious though, for you anyway. I love Liane Moriarty.
