
November 8, 2016

Ten Books I Recently Added to my TBR.

Top Ten Tuesday was created and is  hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.  

Yes like every reader I know I am always adding books to my TBR pile that I want to read. I own eight of them and two are on my wish list for future purchase.  I've only included ones here that I will indeed read at some point. I have others that have been added around the same time. This is a sample!!

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This is a book I have been wanting to read for awhile, the beginning of a series. It is Steampunk/Mystery/Romance. So now it is firmly on my TBR shelf as a paperback.

This is on my actual paperback TBR shelf, I have just recently bought it. I love Cathy Lamb books, unfortunately I have nearly read all her backlist now. Women's Fiction.

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Christine Nolfi asked me to read and review a coming book of hers, I decided I would see what this one was like first.  It's the first in her Liberty series and when I added it to Goodreads I saw 5 stars from Laurel-Rain, so with no further reason I bought it in Kindle version. It seems to be women's fiction and the story line appeals to me. It will be the first time reading this author for me.

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One sister has everything. The other hates it for it.  I was drawn in by the 5 stars given by a reader I follow on Goodreads and I always note what she 5 stars. I think I might enjoy this one. Never read or heard of Dianne Dixon before. Only on my TBR wishlist as yet, I haven't bought it - yet!

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I like Emilie Richards' writing and this one and the one that follows are a couple of her earlier books, so from her backlist. Set in New Orleans. I found both of them at the book fair so it was great to find the two I hadn't read.

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I bought this one recently on my Kindle. #7 and the last one in her Survivor series which I have enjoyed very much. So looking forward to this one.
This is a a series I have been reading by an Australian author and when I found this was becoming available it was added to my reading list.  Contemporary Romance.
I won this recently so it is on my TBR paperback shelf and hopefully I'll get to it sooner rather than later.

This one was another 5 star noted read from a reader I respect. I won't read it straight away, I want to go back and read the first book written by this author, she is one on my radar I want to read because seen some good reviews for her and I think they will be my kind of reading. It is on my recent TBR wish list to remind me to go back and read the first one.
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Another one from Jane Green's backlist that I haven't read and found at the book fair I went to so it's on my paperback TBR.
Women's Fiction.


  1. I loved Small Great Things and I hope you will too. I've been meaning to read The Iron Duke for years. I've heard it is a good pick for fans of Gail Carriger and I used to enjoy her books. Nice list!

    1. Writer Nalini Singh recommends the The Iron Duke series so I am looking forward to trying it. And JP's book, long time since I read one of hers.

  2. I love Emilie Richards too Kathryn and revisit her older books every so often. I love her past Shenandoah Valley and her Ministry is Murder series. Have you read them? But my favorite is her Goddess Anonymous series.

    1. Yes to Shenandoah and Goddess books - adored them. Read the first on in the Murder series and liked it just haven't got back to it as not much of a mystery reader but will. She is re releasing some of her romances in ebook and I intend reading them too.

  3. I like this list! I've read and enjoyed two Cathy Lamb books, so I'm making note of this one and to remember to pick up more by her. Also Dianne Dixon's book looks like fun and Joann DeMaio is just a great feel-good author, who I've read twice. Thanks for bookish "food for thought".

    1. Thanks Rita. Yes will be interesting for me to try Dianne Dixon and to see if her writing appeals to me. And I am so looking forward to reading DeMaio.

  4. This list is so diverse! I love it. Small Great Things has been highly visible. It's interesting that different countries have different cover art--ours is a bit more abstract. Thanks for sharing all these upcoming books.

    1. Yes cover art does vary from country to country so always interesting to compare. I didn't think of the list as being diverse but perhaps it is!!

  5. Some good sounding books here! 3, 4, & 5 especially!


    1. Yes Hope I am anticipating them all with great relish.

  6. Awesome :)
    I just noticed I have way too few books in my wishlist!

  7. The Nolfi book is fabulous. Won mine as a giveaway and have told so many about it

    1. Oh that is so good to hear, will have to get to it sooner rather than later.

  8. You are one of the very few book bloggers who gets me to add new titles. I added a few from here and have some on my TBR for the first in their series.

    1. Stefanie you are so sweet. I hope you enjoy anything you might read. Tastes differ so much that sometimes what works for one doesn't for the other.

  9. I was surprised that there were a lot of titles here that are new to me! I love Emilie Richards! Have you read her Whiskey Island books? I adored those! The Mary Balogh looks fantastic. She's another author I've been neglecting lately. Great list!

    1. Yes I did read her two Whiskey Island books and enjoyed them although the Shenandoah and Goddess Anon series are my favs. I have really enjoyed this particular series by Mary Balogh so will be happy to complete the series with this one.

  10. Cathy lamb books looks good. I have yet to read her books but if you think they are good, I will have to check out one of her books one day. Jane Green is always a great author to read, I am slowly reading all her books. I always like to see what is on people to read list, although I always end putting more books on my list!

    1. I know Viki that list just grows and grows! Do try a Cathy Lamb at some time.

  11. Nice list! I haven't heard of most of them before, but there are a few there I'll be checking into. And I really liked Only Beloved; Mary Balogh is one of my favorite historical romance authors.

  12. Hope you enjoy Small Great Things, it's so good!
    My TTT:
