
December 30, 2016

One Word for 2017

Sheila at Book Journey leads us with choosing a word for a year to help us focus and live well. I lost my one in 2016 but for 2017 I feel the one I have chosen is right for me.  It has a double kind of meaning too  so it sums up two things I was wanting to focus on.  Also I am leaving it open to reflection on time, quotes on time.

⏳ Time as now is the time to act. I mean to do so many things but I never get to doing them. They aren't essential ( one or two are) but I have been wanting to do them. So 2017 it is time to do those things I put off until 'tomorrow'. Now it is today!  I don't want to make goals around them, I just want to be aware and make time to do them. As well when my mind says "it would be a good idea to..." I want to think a bit more about that and most likely act on it.

⏳ Time as in 'take my time'. Slow down, especially when it is time to read, savour rather than rush through books. It is about quality reading rather than quantity reading. So the aim will be to read less books in 2017!

Quote on time


  1. I love the way you're approaching using your time. For me it would mean more reading because it means I'm taking more time for myself ... something i need to do more of.

    Tanya Patrice

    1. Tanya at one time that would have been me too. Now that I have retired I have time for myself which is divine!

  2. Take your time sounds like a good way to do it :) I do rush sometimes, I have a hard time slowing down

    1. Yes take my time and make time I think will be my motto!

  3. Great word choice for 2017 and you're right so many ways to interpret it. Love the time saying too.
    If I had to choose one word for 2017 it would be focus as in time management.
    Happy New Year Kathryn!

    1. Debbie I suspect you have a lot on your plate. Hope that all settles and you time manage time for yourself. Happy New Year Debbie too.

  4. A great word, Kathryn! Time and our use of it are often very much under our control. Especially for us retirees.

    Enjoy your time!

    1. Exactly and that is so wonderful. Now two years into retirement I feel its time for me to do things I have been meaning to .... mundane things... but I'll still like them.

  5. I hadn't seen this post prior to my last comment 'time flies'. Time is a terrific word and idea for 2017! Best wishes with it!

    1. I know Pat! Made me smile because I saw you other comment first. Thank you.

  6. These are good goals and the word TIME will certainly help you achieve them! Your post made me think of how I use my time too.

    1. Thanks Laura. Yes I am finding it helpful already!

  7. That is a fun word. I know you will it own it well :)

    1. Thanks Sheila. And I do believe I will own it!

  8. Oh nice! I actually have a post going up later this week with something similar. I did a phrase, though. Have fun embracing your word for the year :D

  9. I like your word! Unfortunately I have a lot of time each day, but getting uninterrupted "me" time is harder to find and use wisely.

  10. Good word and application! I am setting a lower goal for 2017 also.
    I have a word that has settled repeatedly into my mind but I haven't had TIME to do a post on it.
    Have a good time with your word. :-)
