
January 16, 2017

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?


It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week.  It's a great post to organise yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog   and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date. And here we are!

Jen Vincent, Teach Mentor Texts, and Kellee of Unleashing Readers decided to give It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? a kidlit focus. If you read and review books in children’s literature – picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult novels, anything in the world of kidlit – join them!
a divide
Well and another week flies by. I am a bit obsessive - I have been quilting every minute I get, then some reading and er... very little housework. Don't visit! I did manage to walk most days and tinker in the garden... a little.  That was my week and it flew by. I have made myself a list for today of things I really need to do and stop avoiding these simple little tasks!                                   

What I read last week:

Two review books read.  Jodi Thomas outdid herself on Wild Horse Springs. Loved it.
book cover book cover

Finished this audiobook which was time travel historical romance and was a good listen with a fun story so will most likely listen to the series as time goes by.
book cover

What I am reading at present:

From the TBR shelf. I know many of you raved about his one when it was published, like a dutiful reader I bought it and there it sat.... until now. Already hooked into it.
book cover

Listening to...
book cover

Up next:

book cover book cover

Posts from last week:
Sweet Southern Hearts     Susan Schild
Bridge of Scarlet Leaves    Kristina McMorris

a divide


  1. I enjoyed Accidents of Marriage...I hope you do, too. I am curious about Pretty Little World.

    Have a great week, and thanks for hosting.

  2. I thought it was a quick week too. And reading and quilting sound way better than housework! Glad your reads were good- there are so many time travel stories out there these days and it's nice that so many are good. Love that title The Chocolate Thief. :)

    Have a nice week!

  3. The Chocolate Thief sounds like fun. I liked On Second Thought and hope she keeps writing books like that.

    I desperately need to clean my apartment but I only got a little done this weekend. Hopefully I'll get it done this week. Hope you have a great week.

  4. I like time travel historical romance so interested in True to the Highlander. I haven't done much house cleaning either this week and with two teens in the house it needs to get done!

  5. It's unusual Kathryn but I've not heard of any of your books this week....

    Happy quilting! You'll definitely be ready when winter comes!

  6. I was a 'don't visit' house for a long time. But now we have a woman coming to clean every two weeks since hubby can't keep up and I am either at work or on computer. So now it is okay to come visit.
    You talked me into it - I went to NG and the Jodi Thomas title was still available so I picked it up.
    Your other books look good too. Happy Reading, quilting and gardening!

  7. My daughter would probably enjoy Wild Horse Springs. I will say it has a beautiful cover. Hope you keep enjoying your reading and quilting.

    - Mama Vicky

  8. A week spending time doing what I want to do (and not housework) sounds like a perfect week to me!

  9. Jodi Thomas looks interesting. I have to read her sometime. My long list of books to read.

  10. I have a sample of a Jodi Thomas book I downloaded last night. Great to have a good rec for her - may just have to buy the whole thing!

  11. It sounds like you've had a week of simple pleasures, which is just lovely - sometimes it's good to let other things to go and just enjoy things. I hope you enjoy your current reads.

  12. Seems like a lot of people are doing things other than reading at the moment - mine was TV watching so nowhere near as productive as your quilting. My housework stands neglected to. Maybe this week.

  13. Have you been quilting for a long time, Kathryn? My mother-in-law loves to quilt and, maybe one of these days, I'd like to get involved; she often quilts with a group of women and they have so much fun. It's nice to take a break from the "chores" and do something fun! I'm glad you had a good reading week and thanks for hosting the link up! -Tara at

  14. Quilting, reading and a little housework - sounds like the perfect combination! I have been indulging in a little more reading at the moment while I'm on school holidays, its very relaxing! I like the look of Accidents of Marriage and The Chocolate Thief has such a catchy title! Enjoy your books and pursuits this week!

  15. These weeks do fly by, but so happy to hear you were doing things that were enjoyable.

    The Chocolate Thief sounds "yummy."

    ENJOY this week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday, What Are You Reading

  16. Those books are all new to me. Enjoy your days of quilting and reading and don't feel guilty!! Have a great week.

  17. I look forward to seeing what you are quilting. Do you listen to books on cd when quilting or just when driving?

  18. True to the Highlander looks like a good one to suggest to all the Outlander fans who are looking for a new author to read! I have read Accidents of Marriage and thought it was good, although a difficult topic for me to read about!

  19. Yay, I also loved Wild Horse Springs!

  20. Oooooo so many good books on your list this week. I love Randy Susan Meyers books, I know you are going to enjoy it. Have a great week and happy reading, gardening, and quilting.

  21. Ha! I'm sitting in my living room right now going through blog posts thinking, when did this place get to be such a mess? So you're not alone lol! Virutal visitors only please :P I'll be cleaning this afternoon before I have to go back to work tomorrow. Enjoy your reads!

  22. Wild Horse Springs looks very good. Love the cover :D I'm working on a book club read for Wednesday by Cherise Sinclair :)

  23. Hello, I am new to your blog. I just quit working and now have the time to "finish a book"! Thank you for this linkup, I am really enjoying reading about these books!

    1. Welcome in Dazee, hope you find some recommendations to your taste among this diverse group of readers.

  24. Sounds like a great week to me! I had my catch-up day yesterday - finally felt better & tackled all the things that had been piling up. Feels good to be productive & get things done!

    Enjoy your books this week -


    Book By Book

  25. I'm currently reading my April reviews but I'm hoping to sneak one or two pleasure reads in there too! Thanks Kathryn. Happy Monday!

    1. Oh Debbie, so hope a few pleasure reads come your way.

  26. I just cleaned the house and the house is already a mess, how does that happen?
