
February 27, 2017

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?


It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week.  It's a great post to organise yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog   and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date. And here we are!

Jen Vincent, Teach Mentor Texts, and Kellee of Unleashing Readers decided to give It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? a kidlit focus. If you read and review books in children’s literature – picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult novels, anything in the world of kidlit – join them!
a divide

Well summer has finally arrived here, and we have had a week of sun and pretty much another week promised, so at least I can now say I experienced it.

A new highway which has been being built behind my property has finally opened. There is a bank that blocks some of the sound but not all, however apart from the lorries it is not really intrusive. I will try out a small part of it when I go to visit one of my sisters in hospital recovering from an operation. 

I've had a great reading week with books I loved, I achieved some sewing - some of which turned out well and some of which leaves a lot to be learned.

I organised to have two new tyres on my car which was a job I had been putting off, but its done now which is great.                                                       

What I read last week:

I finished reading from my TBR shelf - enjoyed it.

book cover
For review
Loved this one and review will follow.
book cover

Another joy to read and review will follow.

book cover

What I am reading at present:

About to start reading
book cover

And still listening to The Shadow Sister by Lucinda Riley.

Up next:

book cover

Posts from the last week:
The House of Secrets  by Sarra Manning

a divide


  1. Glad you are finally enjoying summer weather and I hope the highway won't be a pain. I'll be getting two new tires for my car in April when the snow tires come off. I haven't really needed my snow tires this year but it is still a relief to have them :) Hope your sister gets well soon and safe travels as you visit.

    The Susan Mallery book looks good and so does Sweet Lake.

  2. I loved Sweet Lake...and Dorothea Benton Frank is an author I enjoy, too. Thanks for sharing...and enjoy your week.

  3. It's great when you read one great book after another. Hope you have another great reading week.

  4. I bought The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend on Saturday with a gift certificate, it sounds great and I will read your review next. My current post is about the book I am reading, Furiously Happy by Jenny Lawson.

  5. I'm glad you are getting to experience your summer. Also good that you enjoyed your your reading week.
    I hope the highway turns out to be positive for you and that your sister recovers quickly.
    Happy Reading (and sewing) this week!

  6. Ooh yeah hope the sound isn't too bad. And glad it was a good week! I've been really fortunate too with my reads so far in 2017. Hope this week continues the trend of good books!

    And best wishes for your sisters recovery!

  7. I think I need to come to New Zealand about now...I really need some summer! Our winter has been unusually harsh for this area (not that it has been "harsh", just really harsh for us...and we're wimps!) and my time in Arizona was not enough sun. Sigh...

  8. Looks like you had a good reading week. I have never read Dorothea Benton Frank books before but that looks good. I will have to check her books out sometime.

  9. Summer arrives in NZ just as true winter comes to Iceland. Today, my country is living up to its name, with knee-deep snow and a continuing frosty forecast at least until the weekend. Perfect weather for snuggling in bed with a book.
    Happy reading!

  10. I hope your sister is doing well, Kathryn, and what an accomplishment getting your tires replaced; that always feels like such a hassle. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed All Summer Long; that cover is so lovely and gets me excited for warmer weather and sunshine. Thanks so much and I hope you have a good week!

  11. Best wishes for your sister's recovery. I'm hoping to get a little sewing done when things settle down around here. The Susan Mallery book looks really good, and Dorothea Benton Frank's books always say summer to me. Have a nice week, Kathryn.

  12. I have heard a lot of good things about Susan Mallery books. I need to squeeze one into onto my TBR. I hope your sister has a speedy recovery. =)

  13. Congrats on a great reading week and to getting things accomplished! That always feels good. Hope your sister has a quick recovery! I haven't read any of those authors that you've featured here, but I've heard good things about Susan Mallery's books.

  14. I haven't read Susan Mallery's books in a long time. I always enjoy them. Have a great week!

  15. Summer that sounds fantastic! we had a mild winter so far but nothing beats Summer :) I hope you sister recovers well from her operation and that you have great week reading and sewing :)

  16. Great list Kathryn, I'm to my eyeballs in reviews LOL :)

  17. Sounds like you had a good week! Glad you finally got some sunshine. Even though it is winter here, we had 3 sunny days that felt like late spring, in the 70's! A lovely reminder of what is to come.

    Enjoy your books this week & good luck with your sewing!


    Book By Book

  18. We've had some book reading similarities lately! I loved the Susan Mallery book too - the twist there in the middle surprised me! :)

  19. Whew!! Finally getting around to stopping by.

    Nice week for you, Kathryn.

    I always enjoy Dorothea Benton Frank's books. I met her at the BEA a few years ago....a lovely person.

    Love Lucinda Riley's books. I listened to The Seven Sisters. The Shadow Sister must be good. Which sister is the shadow sister?

    My favorite book of Lucinda Riley is The Lavender Garden.

    Have a wonderful reading week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday, What Are You Reading

  20. You start summer and we are expecting know which I'd prefer! Have a wonderfully warm week!

  21. Looks like you had a great reading week. I hope your sister recovers well and the additional road noise does not become too bothersome.

  22. Wow, a highway behind your house? We have trains that go by about 1.5 blocks away. Our windows keep out most of the noise. It's all become white noise. You get used to it. I hope your sister is recovering smoothly.

  23. That's good about the highway not being too intrusive. We live on a fairly busy road and other than super loud stuff I don't hear it much at all. I really want to read the Susan Mallery and the Nolfi and Richards look fantastic!
