
April 10, 2017

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? 10th April


It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week.  It's a great post to organise yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog   and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date. And here we are!

Jen Vincent, Teach Mentor Texts, and Kellee of Unleashing Readers decided to give It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? a kidlit focus. If you read and review books in children’s literature – picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult novels, anything in the world of kidlit – join them!
a divide
Hope you all had a great reading week. I sure did and er.... sewing week as well, I am so obsessed with quilting at present!

It rained and rained the first part of the week, my area got off very lightly, other places flooded badly. But since then we have had about four delicious sunshine days with little wind. I have been ferrying and stacking wood for the winter. I only do about three wheelbarrows at a time as my back doesn't like the bending. But this snail will get it done.

What I read last week:

I enjoyed this audiobook. It did end abruptly as some readers had warned about the book, I got a fright as I was sewing and listening and then suddenly music was playing in my ear and it was all over! However there is going to be a #2 so that is okay.
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My first taste of Kate Morton. I liked the book, although I found it a little wordy. How convoluted can you get!

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My review book for the week. I enjoyed it and review will follow near publication date.

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What I am reading at present:

Review book - from Australian author - country romance/women's ficiton
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I am listening to....
Which happens also to be a reread and I am loving it all over again. 

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Up next:

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Posts from last week.
Her Mother's Secret   Natasha Lester
a divide


  1. We finally had two days of sunshine in a row with expected warmer weather on the way, but also rain. Slow and steady gets it done without any back issues! Have a great week.

  2. Boy did it rain a lot here last week, but we finally warmed up. Week ahead: mixed bag. :)

    All that wood will be nice this winter when it's time for the fire. :) Have a nice week!

  3. We finally had a sunny day after two days of rain. Last week was beautiful, though.

    Enjoy those books...I want Any Day Now...and I loved The Lake House.

  4. Glad you enjoyed sewing and reading - even while it was raining. :-)
    I like Robyn Carr and the Richards book sounds good. Happy Reading!

  5. I have a friend who keeps recommending "The Lake House" to me. I told her I'd get to it...someday. It does sound good, but I don't always have the patience for wordiness!

  6. The Last Chance Matinee sounds great. I heard about this book last month but I haven't purchased it yet. I'm planning to, though. Mariah Stewart is a new author to me--I'm excited to give it a chance. :-D
    Anyway, I hope you have a great week. Happy reading. :-D

  7. I would love to take up quilting someday. I've managed to post while on my road trip!

  8. I don't think I've read anything by Emilie Richards. Lover's Knot sounds interesting. Collecting wood for the winter sounds difficult. It's strange that our seasons are reversed - spring is just starting here. Have a great week Kathryn.

  9. I still have The Lake House on my reading list. Too wordy??? Ha ha ha!!!

    Hope you will have a good week!

  10. Hello, Kathryn! I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed the new Robyn Carr; it sounds like a good one. Also, I have to admit that I agree with you on The Lake House; the story is great, but it did drag on a bit. I figured it was just me; everyone seems to love it. Thanks so much and I hope you have a great week ahead!

  11. Sounds like you have gotten our April showers (or downpours) as we have had nothing but sun. I really enjoyed The Lake House but know what you mean. It was wordy. I didn't mind it though.

  12. I hope you liked The Lake House enough to read more Kate Morton. I love her work!
    I think we're back to summery weather again here, no rain for a while!

  13. I love Kate Morton! I'm slowly working my way through all of her books, and so far I've read three. "The Lake House," while still good, was my least favorite of the three. I LOVED "The Secret Keeper," and "The Forgotten Garden" was wonderful too.

  14. I've never really read Kate Morton. I tried to read The House at Riverton and The Forgotten Garden but couldn't get into the stories.

    That Nina George book looks good. So does Any Day Now.

    We had a nice sunny weekend which made up for the rain and snow during the week. This week is supposed to be pleasant and warmer and hopefully spring is here to stay!

    Have a great week :)

  15. Sounds like you are getting ready for winter. Glad you are taking it easy carrying the wood.

    We had a wonderful, warm day yesterday - going to be warm all week. Can't wait!! I sat on the back porch and read. My favorite place to read. :)

    Sorry about Kate Morton. I LOVE her books. My favorite is THE FORGOTTEN GARDEN.

    ENJOY this week of reading!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday, What Are You Reading

  16. Looks like you had a productive week! I like the look of Little Breton Bistro. You're prepping for winter while we head into spring. I'm done with winter!

  17. I'm still on the fence about whether to try Kate Morton. Her books are long!

    Our snow has finally melted and we are looking like Spring! I wish that I had a fireplace! That would make things so cozy in winter. Yes, go slowly! Don't do too much at once.

    Have a great week!

  18. Glad you had a good week quilting and reading. Thanks for hosting.

  19. I've heard so many good things about The Last Chance Matinee. I can't wait to read it. Have a great week!

  20. I've never quite liked abrupt endings. In fact, since I'm usually behind on reading trends I've avoided them by buying the first two books of a series at the same time. Now that I'm catching up to more recent releases, I'm finding it much harder to wait.

  21. Wow great post and I remember how good Love Knot was too!

  22. I enjoyed The Lake House too though definitely a little wordy. I've read 2 Kate Morton books and I think that's just her way. I cannot wait until the next Mariah Stewart book! I want to know what happens next! I remember The Lover's Knot. It was one of my favorites though I think my absolute favorite was The Wedding Ring (or something like that) about the 3 generations of women. Richards tells such a good story. Have a great week!

  23. Oooh, oooh! I'm reading The Lake House RIGHT NOW. I'm enjoying it so far; I won't argue on her rather superfluous descriptions, but it lends a certain ambiance to the whole, I think. It bothered me initially that she spent *so much* time with all these characters when there was a mystery to be solved (and found and explained) but the more I read, the more attached to the characters I got, and now I'm more invested in them then the mystery alone. ^_^

  24. I think I've put off reading The Lake House for the reason you mentioned. I just don't enjoy when authors go on and on to the point of the reader's distraction. You're not the first to mention that. I enjoyed the Mariah Stewart book. Have a good week and take it easy with getting the wood pile ready for winter. My husband had back surgery last week and it's a tough recovery so far.

  25. I always wanted to learn how to quilt. They are so beautiful. My daughter is actually graduating in a month with her BFA in Theatre Design (costume design major), and she has a sewing machine, a serger, and an embroidery machine, and I cannot use any of them. For shame! I hope you post a picture of your work. =)
    Sam @ WLABB

  26. I was able to visit EVERY blog last week.

    I hope I can do the same this week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday, What Are You Reading

  27. glad you are enjoying quilting! Can be very relaxing :)
    You are reading/have read some interesting titles up there. I'm curious about The Lake House myself, sorry it was wordy.

  28. I think it's great your are obsessed with quilting since a bookworm can always use a break :) I don't mind the rain at all since otherwise I'd have to water my lawn :)

  29. Great selection of books this week, Kathryn. I was too lazy to work on a post and was doing other things on Sunday I guess. Thank you for checkin' out my cards. I totally understand. When you're addicted or immersed in one craft, it's hard to get into another. I keep planning to sew each weekend but have been doing other things like baking or knitting.
