
May 22, 2017

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? 22nd May


It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week.  It's a great post to organise yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog   and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date. And here we are!

Jen Vincent, Teach Mentor Texts, and Kellee of Unleashing Readers decided to give It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? a kidlit focus. If you read and review books in children’s literature – picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult novels, anything in the world of kidlit – join them!
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Welcome in everyone, hope the reading has been going well. I have been on a bit of a buying spree this month so have decided I need to step up my reading as I also have suddenly upped my review books to read. I guess it is all the USA summer books coming on to the market.

Plus visiting blogs is so tough on the want to read books. I've seen so many positive reviews for books I'd like to read so ... it is hard to not succumb.               

What I read last week:

Finished reading... review link below
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From the review list...
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From the library .... enjoyed this romantic suspense and would be happy to read on with the series.
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From my TBR shelf I finally got to #2 in this series and enjoyed the story and the link to the first book.
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What I am reading at present:

Reading for Review at request from author
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Still listening to...

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Up next:

Review book from NG.
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And may reach this review book from Edelweiss
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Last Weeks Posts
Not A Sound Heather Gudenkauf
a divide


  1. I also have Beach House for Rent, and can't wait to read it. I do love summer reads, and my buying has gone up, too.

    Enjoy your reading, and thanks for hosting.

  2. Hi... I hope you're enjoying your weekend. My new ebooks to read have been going up every day. As much as I want to read more, I only managed two books a week. I hope you can read and review more this week. Enjoy your books. Have a wonderful week and happy reading. :)

  3. There do seem to be a lot of good looking summer reads coming out, no question. I have a few new releases this week and in the coming weeks that are going to lengthen my reading queue as well! And yes seeing everyone else's book hauls is not helping! :)

    Have a great week!

  4. We have all of the Lunar Chronicle books because my husband read the series. They are still TBR for me.

  5. Looks like you had a good reading week! I'm always taking screenshots of books I want to read...hazard of the job?!

  6. My daughter keeps telling me to read the Lunar Chronicles and I know everyone loves them.

  7. Practicing Normal looks good. Have a nice week!

  8. I want to read both of the books you'll be reading next - didn't manage to get review galleys. Both authors are on my favorites list. Have a great week!

  9. I enjoyed your review of NOT A SOUND.

    Bette Lee Crosby always has good books.

    BEACH HOUSE FOR RENT and CAFE BY THE SEA look like fun summer reads.

    ENJOY your week, Kathryn.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday, What Are You Reading

  10. I've been trying to decide on an audio to listen to. I have a copy of Ove. I may start that one!

  11. Ah, yes. Visiting other blogs definitely adds to my TBR!! I hope you are enjoying A Man Called Ove. I've heard good things about that one. Have a great week!

  12. Buying sprees and extra reading! Awesome! :) Sounds like a great month. :)

    I've yet to review Scarlet with my buddy reader. We are just so far behind right now.

    Hope you have another great week!

  13. Oh, I just love Scarlet! I blew through the whole series last summer!

  14. Hi Kathryn,
    I so want to read A Man Called Ove. I've heard great things about it. Have a great day!

  15. Oh I still have Cinder on my list. I will get to this one day! I'm reading a new to me historical author-- Eva Leigh

  16. Cinder is on my TBR List, but the list is so massive I may never get to it. I feel like such a bad NG reader right now, I had requested 2 books that were coming out earlier in May and completely forgot about them. I just put them on my ereader and I"m going to read them now.

  17. Beach House for rent looks fun, as does Cafe by the Sea. And my TBR grows all the time from visiting book haul posts like this one, There is just so much temptation!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Not a Sound is on my list, though I've had mixed experiences with the author.

  20. How fun to go on a book buying spree! My reading has slowed down. And making a bag would be total cake for you as you already make those intricate quilts.

  21. Wow, so many books! It sounds like you are enjoying most or all of them, so that's great!

    I stopped buying books for myself at least 5 years ago...but my TBR piles keep growing! I have an entire bookcase filled with books waiting to be read - I get them as gifts (which I love, of course) and lent from friends & family, but then I have to fit in the review books and the picks for my book groups (2 regularly and 3 others when I can fit them in!)

    Enjoy your books this week, Kathryn - I really want to read A Man Called Ove!


    Book By Book

  22. I am absolute trash. I have the Lunar Chronicles books (personally signed copies), and I have yet to read them. I have heard such great things (my daughter raves about them). I really want to read A Man Name Ove. I read Britt-Marie, and definitely liked Backman's storytelling (and he is so nice too).
    Sam @ WLABB

  23. Visiting other blogs gives you so many new suggestions for books, that it just leads to piles of wishes!
    Enjoy your books and have a good week.

  24. I loved Scarlet and really want to read Cress. So far I've really enjoyed the series which is fun because it's nothing like my usual reading. I'm glad to see you enjoyed Untraceable. I've read 2 of the most recent books in the series and loved them but have the first one and have been wanting to read it. Have a great week!

  25. The Lunar Chronicles is by far the best series I have read in a long time. Even my husband enjoyed it! So happy to hear that you enjoyed it.

  26. Good choices, I love Laura Griffin's Tracer's series Kathryn glad you enjoyed it.

  27. I love Gudenkauf, so I want to read this new book asap! So many good (to me) titles here, Kathryn! Lucky you...

    So glad you enjoyed the first Tracers. Been a very long time since I read the beginning books of this series. I've only missed one title in all but sometimes I envision going back and starting again in order. I do believe she made her stories even more interesting as time went on.

    I read Cinder but didn't go any further, but my elder daughter read almost all these books and loved them. She used to push me to continue on, though YA is not always my cup of tea, but in fantasy I don't mind.

    Your other titles I'll have to check out further as they are new to me. Enjoy your week: your books, your quilting and your gardening :)

  28. Your books look great. Every year I put a Mary Alice Monroe on my TBR and somehow never get to it. I want to get to it this summer!

  29. Looking forward to your review of Cafe' By The Sea. I enjoyed a previous novel by Colgan.

  30. Good to hear you had a good reading week. I can't wait to get to A Man Called Ove! On my TBR! Hope you continue to enjoy Goodnight From London :)
