
September 30, 2017

Reading Month in Review

Month of September

Welcome in, do join me by sharing your link to your look back at this month. I'm looking forward to visiting and seeing what everyone has been up to.  The link will be open for you to share your post whenever you post over the next few days.  Do visit each others' posts.

Total books read this month: 12

Books Read:
The Christmas Room   Catherine Anderson  4 stars
A Second Helping #2 Blessings Beverly Jenkins 4 stars
Anne's House of Dreams   L. M. Montgomery 5 stars (audio)
When We Were Worthy  Marybeth Mayhew Whalen  5 stars
Iron Lace   Emilie Richards   4 stars
Sugar Pine Trail  RaeAnne Thayne 5 stars
Marry in Haste   Anne Gracie   4 stars
The Widow of Wall Street Randy Susan Meyers   3 stars (audio)
Keep You Safe   Melissa Hill  4 stars
Deck the Halls   Donna Alward  4 stars
A Christmas Affair  Jodi Thomas 4 stars
The Stolen Marriage   Diane Chamberlain    4.5 stars

Book Formats:

Paperback Two
E-Book Nine
Audiobook Two
From TBR shelf One
Review Books Eight
New ShelfTwo

Genres Read

Contemporary RomanceFour
Mainstream FictionFive
Historical FictionOne

New to me authors.
Melissa Hill
Marybeth Mayhew Whalen

Top Book for September

This month I am choosing a Romance book, so many of them are such great reads, often not highly regarded by some, but for me they provide entertainment, humour and just downright good reading.

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Looking Forward to Reading in October...

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Incoming Books.
Paperback Books Purchased:
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Books coming from NetGalley or Edelweiss

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Audio Books 

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So how did your reading month pan out?


  1. I feel that a lot of times if I read a really heavy book, I like to balance it with a lighter, fun read. I am late to reading romance, and kind of picky, but I am enjoying some too- I love the Holiday books you started on- those look fun too!My month was very busy and not much reading- actually only one book, but it was a good one, so I feel okay about it!!

    1. It is not the amount of reading we do but how much we enjoyed and liked a book is really what counts. Like you I like to balance out heavier with lighter.

  2. Replies
    1. Indeed and really we must make the most of every month.

  3. You read a lot, looks like mostly romance or contemporary. Always my go-to genres when in a slump. Happy October!

    1. They were my go to's for sure this month, and I am mostly a romance and contemporary reader.

  4. Twenty-four books in one month? That's some good reading right there. It'd be fun to see a point graph of a year of your reading.

    1. I think you are seeing double Stefanie!! Hehe. Madly searches for 24!

  5. Great month! I see some books I want to When We Were Worthy...and Map of the Heart. I loved The Stolen Marriage.

  6. Glad to see When We Were Worthy as 5 stars. I will keep it in mind,

  7. You had a great month! I have the new Diane Chamberlain coming up in my October pile...hope you enjoyed it!
    Happy reading!!!

  8. You did great, Kathryn! Me, not so good!! Only 4, that's my lowest this year. But I'm listening to It which is 45 hrs long and that is taking a long time!

  9. You did great this month. I did not meet my goal, but I managed 10 books this month.
