
October 9, 2017

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?


It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week.  It's a great post to organise yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog   and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date. And here we are!

Jen Vincent, Teach Mentor Texts, and Kellee of Unleashing Readers decided to give It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? a kidlit focus. If you read and review books in children’s literature – picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult novels, anything in the world of kidlit – join them!
a divide
Well hello to another Monday. I got up early this morning.... not to start a new book but to start a new scrappy block for another quilt. I have it bad - it is as addictive as books and reading.

This week I also decided to start tidying up my spare room where I keep books and... fabric and quilting stuff. I ordered a bookcase to fit into the wardrobe and I hope to make space for both books and fabric. Once I have that bookshelf filled I will see if I need another. I am tired of being in a mess!

Besides next Saturday is the annual second hand Book Fair so I need to make a little space - not too many because I have too many books to read, yes all those unread ones from last year, but I know you sympathise. I should limit myself to no more than say 12. I'll see how I do.  The money raised is always for good causes, which of course is what I remind myself of!!

As most of you know I am a retired teacher, as I typed the word "annual" it reminded me of a question in reading vocab and comprehension test we used to give. The question was how often was the ... whatever the event was?  It always surprised me how many 8 -12 year olds missed that one.                                                         

What I read last week:

book cover book cover

Finished listening to...
book cover

What I am reading at present:

book cover

And listening to...
Just started today already made me smile!
book cover

Up next:

A review book and new ot me author. Love the cover though.
book cover

Last Weeks Posts
Over the Teacups #2..... Reviews
A Christmas Affair   Jodi Thomas
a divide


  1. Have You Met Nora? intrigues me as my granddaughter's name is Nora. Certainly know all about not having enough book shelves!

  2. Have fun with the tidy up of your spare room. I love organizing my things and need to do some of that too, as books and kid stuff have accumulated in my house. I love the cover of Have You Met Nora too.

  3. The books you're currently reading and listening look great. I hope you're enjoying them, Kathryn. Have a wonderful week and happy reading. 😁❤️

  4. If buying more books makes you happy, no holds barred. You deserve it. I hope you flash us your quilt when you're done with it.

  5. All look good. I do like the bright cover for Have you Met Nora?
    My shelves are jammed and messy. We are having a dinner party in a few weeks and I am wondering if I should move the excess to the basement room (also has a full bookshelf) or just let it be real.
    I know how hard it is to resist those book sales for the library and other good causes. I need to donate books but still end up buying too.
    Happy quilting, reading and listening!

  6. Ooh enjoy the Book Fair! And it's nice you have a room dedicated to your books and quilting supplies. We all know how books have a tendency to pile up and overflow our spaces! I need more bookshelves too at this point.

    Hope you have a wonderful week!

  7. I've been wanting to read the Eleanor Oliphant book...and I love the look of Have You Met Nora? Thanks for sharing, and good luck with the book fair...and the quilting.

  8. Book Fair — fun. Have a good week.

  9. Good luck getting organised in your spare room...I need to do the same thing but never seem to get round to it. I want to read Elanor Oliphant as I've read some good reviews. Have a good week.

  10. I have to declutter the spare room. I dont know when its going to get done though I need to do it before Christmas. My daughter will turn up and will lecture me about accumulating and procrastination both!

  11. I need to organize a few spaces in my house as well. Eleanor Oliphant is on my audible wish list!

  12. I am going to a book sale this week too. They are so fun and help a great cause. Have a nice week!

  13. Our book sale was in July. I was good...I only bought six books and three were not for me.:)

    Gorgeous book covers, Kathryn.

    ENJOY your reading week, and happy organizing.


  14. I just loved the audio version of Eleanor Oliphant. Happy to hear you're enjoying it!

  15. I love the cover of that red dress book, too!

  16. I'd love to learn how to quilt! I don't know anyone who could teach me. First things first, though...I have tons of cross-stitch projects to do!

    I can't resist book sales, either. I always go, even though I definitely DO NOT need more books!

    Love the cover of the Blades book. Have a great week quilting and reading!

  17. Ooohhhh...a book fair! I have no self control at those. Have fun at it!

    Enjoy your books. They look good and have a great week!

  18. Good luck at the book fair! Remember.... good cause. LOL.

    I agree with you about the cover of Have You Met Nora? It is very eye-catching. I'll have to check it out. Have a wonderful week and happy reading and quilting.

  19. Bi-Monthly and Bi-Weekly are tricky ones. Enjoy your new books shelf and the book fair!

  20. Some great reads here Kathryn. I'm just starting Rosemarie the forgotten Kennedy for my in person book club read

  21. I need storage solutions for my books and crafts, too. The struggle is real. I hope you are able to find a good bookshelf. I know what you mean about your quilts being addicting. I've been struggling to find a replacement project after I finished my crocheting my mom's blanket. I just started a knit hat so hopefully that will calm down the urges. :)

  22. Oh, Kathryn, I SO get it about the books! I have an entire bookcase of TBRs (that is now growing 2 double-rowed shelves!). I stopped buying books for myself years ago, but the TBRs still keep growing (gifts, books my husband read, books lent to me, etc.) plus there are always review books, library books, and books for book group mixed in! Every January when our library has their annual used book sale, it kills me not to go, but I just can't fit any more! ha ha

    Looks like you had a good reading week - I would love to read Eleanor Oliphant - sounds so good!

    Enjoy your books this week -


    Book By Book

  23. Vary nice books. Thank's for sharing. Have a great week!

  24. I'm surrounded by a mess right now, but at least it's a clean mess! Thanks for hosting the link-up every week! I appreciate the chance to see what everybody's reading, even though my participation is sporadic at best.

  25. I love the idea of quilting but have never tried it. All the fabrics and patterns and history just fascinate me. I can see why it would be addictive. I love the title of Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine. I'm glad to hear it's making you smile and I'm looking forward to seeing your thoughts on it. Emilie Richards and Mary Balogh are two of my favorite authors. Have a great week!

  26. 12 new ones if it's for a good cause sounds totally reasonable! lol Hope you're having a good one :)

  27. There are certainly some great reads on your lists and, yes, via the links. I have indeed added to my TBR my Dad says, "So many books, so little time....sigh..." Thank you for hosting this wonderful link up!
