
June 1, 2018

May Reading Month in Review

Month of May

Welcome in, do join me by sharing your link to your look back at this month. I'm looking forward to visiting and seeing what everyone has been up to.  The link will be open for you to share your post whenever you post over the next few days.  Do visit each others' posts.

Total books read this month:  8

The Secret to Southern Charm   Kristy Woodson Harvey   5 stars
The High Tide Club   Mary Kay Andrews    4 stars
You Belong to Me   Karen Rose    4 stars
Lighthouse Beach  Shelley Noble   4 stars
All Night With the Cowboy   Soraya Lane    3.5 stars
The Summer I Met Jack  Michelle Gable 3 stars
Someone to Love   Mary Balogh  4 stars
Herons Landing JoAnn Ross    4 stars

Book Formats:

From TBR shelfOne
Review BooksSix
From my New Shelf   Zero

Genres Read

Contemporary RomanceTwo
Women's FictionThree
Historical FictionTwo
Memoir Zero

New to me authors.
Michelle Gable
JoAnn Ross

Top Book for May

As always Kristy Woodson Harvey spins a very good story and I love the southern flavour. The narration of the book by Janet Metzger and Candace Thaxton was perfect to this listener.

book cover

Least liked book...

I found this a little one sided and to be honest a bit boring in parts.

Looking Forward to in June...

I may not reach on actually reading this in June but the anticipation of it arriving in the post is book pleasure enough!
book cover

Incoming Books

Library Books: 

I hope I'll get to read this before I have to return it!
book cover

Books coming from NetGalley or Edelweiss

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Audio Books 

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So how did your reading month pan out?


  1. You had a nice month, Kathryn. I read a couple of them. Hopefully you'll get to Happiness for Beginners (if not now, eventually). I really enjoy Center's books. I received an unsolicited arc of The Summer I Met Jack. Sorry to hear it wasn't a great read for you. Not sure when I'll get to it so I might just spotlight it. Thanks for the heads up. My favorites of the month (a tie): Beach House Reunion, The Sugarhouse Blues, The Endless Beach.

    1. Oh I so enjoyed The Sugarhouse Blues-a terrific book!

    2. I am going to have to look up The Sugarhouse Blues then for sure Joann and Mary.

  2. I've been wanting to read The Secret to Southern Charm, as I enjoyed the previous book. Have a great June!

  3. I just bought my first Mary Balogh book-that will be on my STS this weekend, Is the book The Summer I Met Jack about JFK? I am a serious buff-thought I would ask!! I love how organized you are!!

    1. This book has a slight inclusion of JFK as a love interest but mostly about the woman who got involved with him. Its fiction but no doubt some truth, but... I just thought it portrayed the Kennedy's quite harshly on the whole and on one is black or white.

  4. It's great that you had so many positive reads in May. Hope your June is full of just as many!

  5. Love the Psy-changling books! I'd look forward to that arriving as well! ❤️

  6. You had a nice reading month! I've been looking at The Summer I Met Jack and I think I'll take a pass on it. Lighthouse Beach sounds wonderful and I'm hoping to get to it soon. Hope June is wonderful!

  7. nice month! I really enjoyed Michelle Gable's first book set in Paris. My month was slow, but I had 2 amazing books:

  8. Great choices - lots of books to add to my TBR list.

  9. Nice month for you. Love the Jenny Colgan book.

    I just started doing the monthly wrap up so I will try to remember to join in at the end of each month. :)

    Thanks, Katherine.

    1. apologies...I spelled your name incorrectly.

      Thanks, Kathryn.

  10. It looks like you had a good reading month. And I hope June goes well for you!

  11. That's a good reading month for you, considering how much you had going on. I read just 5 one I read half of and a poetry book I forgot to count back in April :) Still, those 5 were all great, so I'm happy.

    Hope you have another good reading month in June - thanks for hosting the link-up!


    2018 Big Book Summer Challenge
