November 29, 2015

Full House Reading Challenge 2016

Challenge Guidelines:

  • Challenge will run from Jan 1st to December 31st 2016
  • Write and publish a post stating your intention to participate. In the post please include the Challenge graphic and a link back to this post. Then link your intention post at the bottom of this post.  Make sure it is the actual post and not just a generic link to your blog.
  • Add your reviews back here on the link in this post. At the end of every three months there will be a U.S. $12 prize with a book of your choice from the Book Depository or U.S. Amazon voucher, for the entries. There will be a new linky then for the next quarter and so on to the end of December.
  • Reviews are not mandatory and if you prefer to keep a list of the books read and the category they cross off the card, then you can still enter for the completion of a Full House by linking to that list on the final linky or in a comment.
  • Each review can only be linked up once in the year. However it doesn't matter when you read the book in 2016 - which month, just link as you remember or have time. So if you read it in January you may not get around to linking it until say... May. That is fine.
  • Books may cross over from other challenges that you are doing. 
  • There will be a final post to link in a summary post for the challenge for those who have completed a full house. This will close on the 2nd January 2017  and a winner will be chosen using for a U.S. $30 prize which again can be used to buy books at the Book Depository or be received as an Amazon voucher.
Completion link is now live.

                                Link Full House post here

    • Complete the card below.  You can do it in any order you wish.  You are allowed "one free exchange", if there is something on the square you really dislike you may change it to something of your choice. Once you have played this free choice that is it. Mention the exchange in the final summary post.
    Full House Reading Challenge Grid 2016

    * Self Challenge means setting a challenge for yourself for this square. For example I might set read a book my a male author, because I hardly ever do that. Or ...

    * Setting beginning with B. This can be a country, a state, a place, a street. Or it could be a beach or the bush or a bookshop. Long as a good part of the book is set there, the whole book might be, but it doesn't have to be.

    This is a challenge designed for fun rather than stress! Just keep reading and see how many just naturally check off a square. That's how I play this kind of card. I don't set out to do it - it just happens in my reading year. Mostly!

    If you have any questions, ask in the comments and I will add the answers in the post just above here.

    1. Jamie  18. Cinzia  35. Ellie @ Book Addicted Blonde  
    2. Keri @ Never Enough Books  19. Avid Series Reader  36. Harshada  
    3. Lois@ You, Me and a Cup of Tea  20. Tiera @ The Tiera Complex  37. Eli @ Eli to the nth  
    4. Sherrie@Food For Thought  21. Cheryl @ I Heart Fictional People  38. Brooke @ Brooke's Books  
    5. Jennifer's Goodreads  22. Belle's Library Reading Challenges  39. Katy @ Glorious Panic  
    6. Elaine @ Series-ously Addicted  23. Tasia @ LALIpop Blog  40. Sarah @ Flood of Books, etc.  
    7. Carey @ Carey Reads  24. Alex @ The Book Banner  41. Gina @ Book Dragon's Lair  
    8. Kris@MsNoseinaBook  25. Melanie @ CBR  42. Beth @ Library Chicken  
    9. Elyssa Nalani @ Purple Ink Studios  26. Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog  43. Bonnie @ Bonnie's Books  
    10. Kathryn@BookDate  27. Kiwi @ GoodReads  44. Dee @ Greys and More  
    11. Marylou @ As the page turns  28. Kristen @ The Book Monsters  45. Ashley @ Ashleyz Wonderland  
    12. PJ @ Me and My Bookshelf  29. Cassandra @ Wickedly Delicious Tales  46. Camilla @ The Accidental Librarian  
    13. Tizzy @ Creative Therapy  30. Andrea's Book Nook  47. Veronica@LibriAmoriMiei  
    14. Claudia @ My Soul Called Life  31. a hot cup of pleasure  48. Sharon @Faith Hope & Cherrytea  
    15. Hazel Bear @ Beyond the Back Cover  32. Miley The Book Junkie Reads. . .  49. Darlene @ Darlene's Book Nook  
    16. Sue  33. Beth  
    17. Michelle @ this quiet morning  34. Heather @ Books Are Life Vita Libri  

    (Linkup closed)


    1. I don't know if you know about it, but since you're hosting several challenges, you should know! You can submit your challenges to A Novel Challenge, which is basically a database of reading challenges and readathons. That way more people can find them! :)

      1. Thanks Angie. Yes I do submit there, however something a little strange there as no posting in the last 3 - 4 weeks and nothing on Twitter either. Someone may be ill or something.

    2. I'm back for another round! Been waiting for this one. BTW, how does the "Dominant Color on Cover" category work?

      1. Jamie - dominant color - when you look at the book one main color stands out, often black or white etc. For example this edition of We Never Asked for Wings is mainly a creamy white.

    3. Love the idea of these and have wanted to do one before but never got round to it. Will definitely sign up but might not be for a few weeks.

    4. I love how there are fun and interesting book memes out there like knitting ones.

    5. Hi,
      I'm joining up, done this one a few years ago and enjoyed it lots.
      Have a great day!

    6. I have to go back and see if I've even completed this year's challenge! But I'm in again for 2016 :)

    7. Sounds like a fun challenge.. I have signed up and excited to start...

    8. Ooo this sounds really cool! I will be joining, but I didn't quite understand the "Add your reviews back here on the link in this post" rule. Does that mean add review for each book that qualifies for that block (like Memoir) as a link in on that time period post (April-June, if that's when it's done)?

      1. Hazel, firstly reviews are not mandatory, but if you wish there will be an open link from Jan onwards for reviews, and a small giveaway to one random linker upper! So any book you read from the card can be linked. Hope that helps - if it doesn't let me know.

    9. Completed the 2015 edition, I'm in also for 2016 (even though my reviews will be written only in Italian) !! :-)

      1. Great, hope you link up your 2015 card to the completion link to be in to win! Aha Italian - no I can't read that but your followers will I am sure.

    10. I had so much fun with this last year, I'm going to do it again! :D Thanks for hosting it!

      1. A pleasure Alex. Look forward to your being on board with this for 2016.

    11. This challenge looks fun, would it be ok to post the link to my Goodreads list (that's where I keep my reads organised)?

    12. I'm in again! I hope to be more active with my challenges this year. I've kind of dropped the blog, but I will be participating on Goodreads and my Instagram which is easier for me.

      - Cassandra @ Wickedly Delicious Tales

    13. Happy to add to your participants - [linking back here was last year's downfall]
      Plenty of spots filled already , so hoping for linkup completions ;)

      Thanks, Kathryn, for hosting !

      1. Great, nice to have you back! I know linking back can be a pain! I get muddled myself with the challenges I take part in. I try to keep up!

    14. hi, i just want to ask if a single book qualify for multiple of the squares then what? should i check all the boxes or just one?

      1. A book can only qualify for one square!! ;)

    15. Hi, there! I have a question: Family Relationship Word in the Title. Do you mean like mother, father, brother, sister and the like? Or can it a word that describes a family relationship like "love"?

      1. Darlene no I was thinking more like mother, father, sister etc. If you find it too hard to find one in the genres you read let me know and we can negotiate!!

      2. If you think that is a better one for you go ahead.

    16. I was perusing around your blog and came across this fun challenge. It's a bit late for me, but, I'll keep an eye out from next year! =)

      1. Just getting the 2017 one ready Lonna. You'd be very welcome.

    17. Hi Kathryn

      Had a ques abt Free Exchange. Do we change it with a choice provided by you or anything of our choice, say suppose I cannot find anything to read that is published in 2016, can I just make up a category like: published and set in my country?

      1. Hi Neer. Yes absolutely, that's how it works. So go ahead with whatever you decide.

      2. Thanks. Looking forward to the 2017 edition of the challenge.


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