June 20, 2016

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? 20th June


It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week.  It's a great post to organise yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog   and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date. And here we are!

Jen Vincent, Teach Mentor Texts, and Kellee of Unleashing Readers decided to give It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? a kidlit focus. If you read and review books in children’s literature – picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult novels, anything in the world of kidlit – join them!
a divide
Welcome in everyone. Hope you are all well. And doing lots of reading!

What I read last week:

Enjoyed Sleepless in Manhattan, I was amazed to see Sarah Morgan has written seventy five books. I have only read about 7 or 8 of them and loved them all. Sleepless in Manhattan was the first in what I guess might be a trilogy. I am delighted to say I have the next one sitting on my Kindle from NetGalley.
book cover book cover book cover

I finished listening to The Seven Sisters, I liked the story with two dual times. However the narrator was not one I would listen to again.

book cover 

I also finished Miller's Valley and loved it. The narrator suited the story well and while darkish in places it was also filled with family and warmth. Best epilogue ever! I think this might be my first library borrow this year!! I borrowed the CD set.

What I am reading at present:

book cover
What I am listening to:
This is a 'filler in' as I am waiting for Wendy Wax's new book "Sunshine Beach" - I have it pre-ordered at Audible and I have spent all my credits. So had to dig back into my library to find ones I hadn't listened to!
book cover

Up next:

Choices to be made from these:

Posts from the last week:

Mystic Summer    Hannah McKinnon
Bay of Sighs   Nora Roberts

I signed up for the commenting challenge for July - this involves commenting on just one blog during that month and is very easily doable!
Interested? You have until the 21st of this month to sign up for it. You can do that here at Flylef or with Alicia from A Kernel of Nonsense.
sign up for comment challenge
a divide
1. Nise'@Under the Boardwalk  36. Deb Nance at Readerbuzz  
2. Christina T@Reading Extensively  37. Susan @ The Book Bag  
3. Laurel-Rain @Curl up and Read  38. Judy  
4. Greg @ Book Haven  39. Jade @ Reading With Jade  
5. Lois@ You, Me and a Cup of Tea  40. Mandy @ The Reading Diaries  
6. Martha @ Reviews by Martha's Bookshelf  41. Majanka @ I Heart Reading  
7. Melinda @ West Metro Mommy Reads  42. Rita @ View From My Books  
8. Camelle @ Home of a Book Lover  43. Angie @ Pinkindle  
9. Sam Still Reading  44. SuziQoregon @ Whimpulsive  
10. Louisa @ Words I Write Crazy  45. Rachel Troyer @ o  
11. Carine @ Ceres Books World  46. Kristen (BookNAround)  
12. Deborah @ Debbish  47. Erin @ Quixotic Magpie  
13. jo burton  48. Lori @ Palmer's Page Turners  
14. Melissa Lee's Many Reads  49. Fats @ GatheringBooks  
15. Bookworms and Shutterbugs  50. Joy @A Little Reading  
16. maria helena @ marelden  51. Katherine @ The Writerly Reader  
17. Kathy @ Kathy Reads Fiction  52. Got My Book  
18. Shandy Jo @ Just a Little R&R  53. Sue @ Book By Book  
19. Lindsay @ Lindsay's Library  54. Lisa @ Sassy Cat Chat  
20. Book Dilettante  55. Literary Lindsey  
21. JoAnn @ Lakeside Musing  56. Kerry @ Entomology of a Bookworm  
22. Beth F @ Beth Fish Reads  57. Maybe Books Will Be Our Always  
23. Yvonne @ Socrates Book Review Blog  58. Loreen @Coffee and Cats  
24. Elizabeth @ Silver's Reviews  59. Heather@worthgettinginbedfor  
25. Katie McD @ Bookish Tendencies  60. Stacey @ Books, Dreams, Life  
26. Sarah's Book Shelves  61. ~ linda @ The Reader & the Book  
27. Yvonne @ A Darn Good Read  62. Jack @ Library of Cats  
28. Sarah @ Exploring All Genres  63. Julie @ Smiling Shelves  
29. Shannon @ River City Reading  64. Maree  
30. Bob @ Beauty in Ruins  65. Abbi@Christian Novels  
31. Kym @ Just A Second  66. Beth @ Library Chicken  
32. 15andmeowing  67. Fi @ Bookish Outsider  
33. hillary roberts  68. Stefanie @WoolyCakesandWoodenSpoons  
34. Kathy @ Inside of a Dog  69. Chelsea @ Sparkles & Scribbles  
35. Stormi @ Books, Movies, Reviews. Oh my!  

(Linkup closed)


  1. Sleepless in Manhattan sounds good. I've read a couple of her other books.

    I will have to check out that Comment Challenge. I've been seeing that around on other blogs.

    Hope you have a good week!

  2. Enjoy your new books! I'm curious about Last Ride to Graceland. Have a great week...

  3. 75 books? Wow, it's amazing to me how prolific some authors are. Once they get on a roll lol...

    Hope your week is a good one. :)

  4. Ugh! Sorry the narrator didn't work out for "The Seven Sisters." That has happened to me many a time...I probably would have loved the book if I had read it, but the narrator just ruined it for me. Sigh....

  5. You had a really good reading week and it sounds like you enjoyed most of it. I hope this week is another good one.

  6. You've had a bit of a Nora Roberts theme going lately Kathryn!

    And I must check out the July challenge as I'm intrigued.

  7. Lucky you on the new Sarah Morgan book - I have just read Sleepless in Manhatten but wasn't aproved for the next one :(

  8. You had a great reading week! Must try a Sarah Morgan one day, I've only heard great things about her books.

  9. Miller's Valley was excellent, and I totally agree about the epilogue! I read it in print, but have been hearing such good things about the audio, I may listen at some point, too. Hope you have a great week.

  10. I'm glad you enjoyed the Sarah Morgan book. She's one of the author's on m wishlist. Her books look so good. I didn't realize she wrote that many. Have a great week!

  11. What a terrific week for you. Lots of books to enjoy.

    I will be looking forward to your thoughts on The Seven Sisters. Too bad the narrator was not the best.

    Have a wonderful week, Kathryn.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

  12. Glad you loved the Quindlen...my aunt keeps telling me I need to read her and I've heard good things about her latest.

  13. Sleepless in Manhattan sounds good. Sarah Morgan sounds like quite the prolific author. I envy people that can keep coming up with new story ideas- I can't even think of one.

  14. Books you read looked good as well as those coming up, hope you enjoy them! :)

    Week in Review

  15. Great week, as always. It looks like some good ones are waiting for you too. Enjoy!

  16. You had a good week! Seems like you are listening to more audio than you used to . I guess you are really enjoying it. I wish I did-- would motivate me to walk more but I just can't wrap my mind around the plot. It's probably the type of "learner" I am.

    I never heard of Sarah Morgan before, but wow, a very prolific author. It's fun to discover authors with a long back-list of work, isn't it. I have Miller's Valley on my kindle, have yet to read it but now I'm intrigued.

    I will check out that challenge further and see what it's about. Thanks for mentioning it, and have a great week!

  17. Sarah Morgan has written 75 books?? How did I miss that? I've got Sleepless in Manhattan and the next book on my Kindle and I'm looking forward to reading them. The Seven Sisters looks really good too! Enjoy your reading this week!

  18. I have a "stack" of Audible books that I have "read" yet, but I still keep getting more. I despair of ever catching up.

    My Sunday Summary

  19. Oooh...the Anna Quindlen sounds so good! I really want to read that one. Sounds like it was good on audio too.

    Enjoy your books this week -


    2016 Big Book Summer Challenge

  20. I've read those books that have the potential to be great, but the narrations fall so short and don't do them justice. Sadly, it tends to taint my view of the book. I've heard so many great things about Miller's Valley, so I'm happy it was great for you. Have a great week!

  21. Great choices Kathryn, I'm just putting to bed my September contract reviews, time to get some for me reading on! I know about Sarah Morgan's total numbers, amazing!

  22. I have a few of those books on the TBR. Now I know to read the hard copy of that Sisters book and not go audio. Working on my Monday Reading post. It's in the editing stages.

  23. It is a disappointment when the narrator does not enhance the book. Looking forward to Miller's Valley. I have not read Sarah Morgan. Thanks for the recommendation. Have a great week.

  24. I really like Singh's Archangel series, but I keep bouncing of the psy-changlings. Hope you enjoy it!


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