July 11, 2016

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? 11th July


It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week.  It's a great post to organise yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog   and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date. And here we are!

Jen Vincent, Teach Mentor Texts, and Kellee of Unleashing Readers decided to give It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? a kidlit focus. If you read and review books in children’s literature – picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult novels, anything in the world of kidlit – join them!
a divide
So welcome in everyone. Hope your week went well.

I went to my last quilt class for the teddy bear quilt I am making. The top is almost finished but still have the border to do. Then of course the actual quilting. I did quite a bit of sewing in the past week trying to advance the five projects I am working on at present. Making headway!

On Sunday we celebrated my Dad's 92nd birthday at his place. Many of the extended family were there and lots of delicious great grandchildren. One of them blew out the candles both before and after Happy Birthday was sung! And then two of them stuck their fingers in the icing (chocolate) after singing happy birthday. 

On the left is the candle blower. Both of them the chocolate icing lovers, and my Dad on the new outside bench we got him for his birthday. 
Great Grand Dad and the two

What I read last week:

book  cover

Sunshine Beach Last Ride to Graceland
Looking for Peyton Place was off my TBR shelf where it has been for a number of years. I enjoyed the read.
Last Ride for Graceland is a review book and there will be a post soon.
Sunshine Beach was an audiobook. Great narration but just wonder whether it is time now for this series to finish even though I didn't sense any final resolution.

What I am reading at present:

On my Kindle for review...
book cover

And I am listening to on my iPod:
book cover
Also from our local library on CD

book cover

Up next:

Two books for review
book cover
She is in a coma but for the last six weeks she can hear them talking but nobody has noticed yet!

Posts from the last week:

Florence Grace   Tracy Rees

a divide
1. Nise' @Under the Boardwalk  36. Julianne @ Outlandish Lit  
2. Laurel-Rain @ Serendipity  37. Aj @ Read All The Things!  
3. Christina T @ Reading Extensively  38. Katie McD @ Bookish Tendencies  
4. Greg @ Book Haven  39. Maybe Books Will Be Our Always  
5. Erin @ Quixotic Magpie  40. Kathy @ Inside of a Dog  
6. Joy @A Little Reading  41. Kerry @ Entomology of a Bookworm  
7. Literary Lindsey  42. Meaghan Gerard  
8. Laura @ Library of Clean Reads  43. Sarah @ Exploring All Genres  
9. Jenna  44. Carolyn  
10. Deborah @ Debbish  45. Susan @ The Book Bag  
11. Melinda @ West Metro Mommy Reads  46. Lori - Escape With Dollycas  
12. Tory@MintedRogue  47. SuziQoregon @ Whimpulsive  
13. Mia @ Murder is Delicious  48. Stacey@Books,dreams,life  
14. Louisa @ Words I Write Crazy  49. Sue @ Book By Book  
15. Myra @ GatheringBooks  50. Katherine @ The Writerly Reader  
16. Kathy @ Kathy Reads Fiction  51. Lori @ Palmer's Page Turners  
17. jo burton  52. Got My Book  
18. maria helena @ marelden  53. Julie @ Smiling Shelves  
19. Di @ Book Reviews By Di  54. Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf  
20. Kim@bookwormsand shutterbugs  55. Kristen @ The Book Monsters  
21. Michelle @ Life Among the Pages  56. Mandy @ The Reading Diaries  
22. #IMWAYR No.1 | Areli  57. Abbi@Christian Novels  
23. Sam Still Reading  58. Amanda @ Gun in Act One  
24. Yvonne @ Socrates Book Review Blog  59. Majanka @ I Heart Reading  
25. Yvonne @ A Darn Good Read  60. Sharanya @ Inkstined  
26. Lindsay @ Lindsay's Library  61. Chelsea @ Sparkles & Scribbles  
27. Shandy Jo @ Just a Little R&R  62. Kimberly @ Turning the Pages  
28. 15andmeowing  63. Beth @ Library Chicken  
29. Deb Nance at Readerbuzz  64. Leona @ Literary Treasure Chest  
30. JoAnn @ Lakeside Musing  65. Elizabeth @ Silver's Reviews  
31. Sarah's Book Shelves  66. Rachel Troyer @ Obsessed With Fairy Tales  
32. Harvee@BoookDilettanteH  67. Toby @ Library of Cats  
33. Bob @ Beauty in Ruins  68. Heather@worthgettinginbedfor  
34. Shannon @ River City Reading  69. Martha @ Reviews by Martha's Bookshelf  
35. Kym @ Just A Second  

(Linkup closed)


  1. Happy 92nd Birthday to your Dad! How blessed you all are. Looking forward to Daughters of the Bride. have a great week.

  2. Happy birthday to your dad! That bench looks awesome.

    I remember reading Looking for Peyton Place years ago, and loving it. I know it must have been pre-blogging days.

    I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm also looking forward to Sunshine Beach.

  3. Five projects! Wow... and happy birthday to your dad!! What a nice family pic. :)

    Hope you have a nice week ahead.

  4. Sounds like you had a nice celebration. Happy birthday to your dad!

    I am curious about Last Ride to Graceland. I liked Beach Town. It was interesting to learn about movie location scouting, etc.

    Good luck with your sewing and quilting projects!

  5. Wow! 92 years old! Your dad looks great and I hope he lives many more years. :-)

    You read some good books this week. I"M STILL HERE sounds so good. I can't imagine what that must be like to be able to hear what is going on while in a coma and not be able to communicate it. Enjoy the rest of your reading week!

  6. Happy Birthday to Dad, and that's a very thoughtful gift, to give a bench for him to sit in his garden.

    Daughters of the Bride sounds like a cheerful summery read. Don't know if that's true that most weddings take place in the summer, but it used to be so. Love the cover too.

    Enjoy your week of reads. I'm lying low this week with my company & not participating, but I'm sneaking in random comments here and there.

    1. Thanks for calling in Rita, hope you love your company and look forward t owhen you are back online with your reading.

  7. Happy birthday to your father! How wonderful that your whole family could come together and celebrate with him. And I had to laugh about the frosting. A few years ago, my son did the same thing to my daughter's birthday cake--and she still hasn't forgiven him!

  8. 92 is great and he looks well! Happy belated birthday to him!

    What's JD Robb like on audio? Am intrigued.

    1. Ah on audio it is superb. When I read a book now I hear the voices in my head for each character. If I haven't picked up a second hand copy of a book in this series I always buy the audio, they are so good.

  9. Oh, my! The number of projects you have going! Happy birthday to your dad. Ninety-two is a great testament to the life he's leading. I would love to read Peyton Place but have just never sat down to it. I'd even forgotten about it until you mentioned it here. P.s. I love to run my fingers through the icing, too. ;)

  10. Happy Birthday to your Dad!

    I read the print version of Beach Town last year and enjoyed it. Hope you are liking the audio.

    Have a great week!

  11. Best wishes to your Dad for his birthday. Lovely gift. Nothing better than sitting in the garden enjoying the sunshine.

    Enjoy you reading week.

  12. Happy Birthday to your Dad! That is a wonderful photo of him with the great grandkids. I am impressed that you find time to quilt in addition to so much readng. Looking for Peyton Place sounds interesting.

  13. Happy Birthday to your dad!! One of these days I need to read (or listen to) Wendy Wax.

  14. OMG! I'm Still Here sounds horrible. If there were an anti-bucket list that situation would be number one on mine. I hope you enjoy the story. Happy reading!

  15. Wow 92! Many happy returns to your dad!!! Hope you are enjoying New York to Dallas, I am slowly making my way through the series!

  16. Wow, 92! He looks great! My husband's father just turned 91 in May.

    Looks like lots of good books for you lately - enjoy your books this week!


    2016 Big Book Summer Challenge

  17. Great post, thanks for the pics!!! I just got Daughters of the Bride can't wait to read it. And right now I'm finishing up for my in person bookclub, The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah a definite 2box of tissue read.

  18. Happy birthday to your Dad! It sounds like a fun family get together and I love the bench. What a wonderful gift! Wendy Wax is calling my name lately and the new Susan Mallery looks really good.

  19. Awww...sounds like you had a great week...Happy Birthday to your Dad! Beach Town is on my TBR too this month.

  20. Happy birthday to your dad. Your books all lool great. Great haul. Happy reading and have a great week.

  21. I am currently reading Journey by Danielle Steele and No Second Chance by Harlan Coben

  22. New York to Dallas - I remember that one being brutal! But so much learned.

  23. Hau'oli la hanau to your dad; he looks so happy. What a great bench to sit upon and ponder life and nature. No book post today for me. Still trying to get through three books atta time.

  24. Happy Birthday to your Dad. That looks like a great bench. Have a great week. Good luck with your quilting projects - it sounds like you are making headway.

  25. Happy Birthday to your dad!!

    The bench is a great present.

    Sounds like a fun day.

    ENJOY your reading week.


  26. How wonderful to still have your Dad at 92! I like the bench and he looks happy with the grands.
    I'm thinking I could go for another In Death title soon.
    Have a great week!


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