January 2, 2013

A word for 2013

I was reminded by a post on a blog I read to set a word for 2013.  Many people set a word rather than a resolution or goals for the year.  A word is easy to remember, and it actually can encompass a wide range in your life.

My word for 2013 is:

And a quote from R Brault:

"Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realise they were the big things."

So here is to appreciating everything in my life, rather than passing by without noticing, or reading hastily without taking the time to appreciate the time it has taken this author to write this book.  While I greedily assimilate another book an author may be struggling to make ends meet. I only thought about this when I read a post by an author I read, she has many successful books but she is finding it hard. I guess authors make very little from every book read. Its all the other people involved that make money perhaps.

To appreciate what I have especially the little things. I know I do appreciate many little things and savour them, especially what children sometimes say. However in 2013 I seek to appreciate it all more deeply and relish it. And last but not least to appreciate myself, rather than compare myself to others and find myself lacking. 

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