November 30, 2016

Month in Review November 2016


Welcome in, do join me by sharing your link to your look back at this month. I'm looking forward to visiting and seeing what everyone has been up to.  The link will be open for you to share your post whenever you post over the next few days.  Do visit each others' posts.

Total books read this month: 16
Book Formats:

From TBR shelfFour
Review BooksSix
From my New Shelf   One

Genres Read

Contemporary RomanceFive
Women's FictionTwo
Historical FictionFive

Books Read.  Authors. Star Ratings. Genres.

Jane Steele;Lyndsay Faye  4 stars Historical
Every Dark Corner;Karen Rose5 starsSuspense
The Italian Wedding;Nicky Pellegrino 4 starsWomen's Fiction
Blackpeak VinesHolly Ford3 starsRomance
Miracle on 5th AvenueSarah Morgan4 starsRomance
Calculated in Death.     J. D. Robb4 starsSuspense
RevenantsScott Kauffman3.5 starsHistorical
The Summer BrideAnne Gracie4 starsHistorical Romance
Three WishesLiane Moriarty4 starsFiction
The Bishop's GirlRebecca Burns4 starsHistorical
All I Ever WantedLucy Dillon4 starsFiction
Second Chance GrillChristine Nolfi4 starsRomance
TamarDeborah Challinor3 starsHistorical
Don't Want to Miss a ThingJill Mansell4 starsRomance
The Garden of Happy EndingsBarbara O'Neal5 starsWomen's Fiction
Little Shop of Happily Ever AfterJenny Colgan4 starsRomance

New to me authors.
Lyndsay Faye
Karen Rose
Holly Ford
Lucy Dillon
Christine Nolfi
Deborah Challinor
Scott Kauffman

Top Books for November

đź’ť  Loved this one, I had never read Karen Rose, and now I have a new to me author whose books I will be reading in the future.

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đź’ť I enjoy Barbara O'Neal's books and this one was no exception. Tanya Eby narrated very well and the story was thought provoking and I loved the characters.

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In December Looking Forward to Reading...

Both published early January
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Incoming Books.
Paperback Books Purchased:


E Books Purchased:
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Library Books: 
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Books coming from NetGalley or Edelweiss
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Books from Hachette NZ
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Reading Challenges Update.

I am on track I think to complete most/all my reading challenges for 2016. I thought I wouldn't achieve the audiobook one but I think now I will. I am deciding what I will do for 2017, not many. I plan to read less and more slowly in 2017!

So how did your reading month pan out?

(Linkup closed)


  1. What a great month to reading. Catherine Anderson book looks good, I need to read her again ( I didn't care for the last book by her I read so hopefully that series I like better.

    I am thinking about book challenges too. So many out there!

  2. Hi Viki. Thought you would be sleeping in your part of the world at this time!! I think this one by CA will be great, I am liking this series. I know, I say not going to do too many challenges but might succumb to a few!

    1. Ha ha. Wish I was sleeping, one of the kids is having a hard time sleeping!

  3. It sounds like November was a pretty good reading month for you - in the total of books as well as your ratings of them. I wish you much of the same in December!

    1. Thanks Jade, on the whole it was, and I aim to make it so this month of December as well.

  4. I love your book summary! It is a great way to view the month. I noticed your top one this month is a suspense. I am starting to like that genre more and more. Have a great week Kathryn.

    1. Suspense certainly keeps the interest up. I like it when the characters are great and there is a tiny bit of romance in there as well! Straight crime or suspense I am not so good with.

  5. good to have so many 4 and 5 star reviews. I have Karen Rose on my list since reading your review and can't wait to get to it. Have a good December.

    1. I will be reading more Karen Rose books, I see some think her books are too long and too many characters but with this one I sat with pen and paper till I had them sorted.

  6. You had a good month! Of your books I've read Jane Steele and the Barbara O'Neal book - loved them both.

    1. Yes Mary, I especially loved the Barbara O'Neal book, it is the kind of one that appeals to me. And... I had seen your rating on Goodreads before I bought it. Influence! Influence!

  7. Another great month of reading for you. I have yet to try Karen Rose, but certainly plan to do so soon. Looking forward to Breath of Fire too.

    1. Yes Breath of Fire will call my name very soon! Karen Rose I want to read more of - long and lots of characters but once I get my head around them a good read.

  8. Hi had a great month!!! I'm on track to finish all but one of my reading challenges this month and wouldn't you know it - it's the challenge of reading my own books yet again! I just can't seem to win with that challenge - all the new books and review books just call to me :) I'm hoping to read a few from my shelf this month, but probably won't reach my goal. Oh well!

    1. Yes same here, same kind of challenge is the most challenging when it comes to finishing. Oh well we'll see how December goes!!

  9. Wow how did it get to be December?? Thanks for sharing Kathryn!

    1. I know, it is so scary thinking 2016 is on the way out.

  10. You had a great month! I've read two of the books you enjoyed this month: Second Chance Grill and Three Wishes, both from authors I've read before.

    Enjoy December!

    1. If I start a new author and you have read and rated it I know I will be getting a good story!

  11. You had an awesome reading month and you read a ton of new to you authors. I see you got a Catherine Anderson book (love her Comanche series!). I hope next month is just as good. Happy December reading Kathryn.

    1. Kimberley I have read her Comanche series, I think when they were reissued because up until then they had been hard to get. I really need to reread them right through to get the full impact.

  12. Wow...what a great reading month...I always slow down this time of year.

    1. Thanks Melissa, I can feel myself slowing down though now. I think December may be less reading!

  13. wow, what a great month! It went totally off for me. And I'm no longer on track for my planned 100 books, but it's ok

  14. You did amazeballs!!! Happy December!

  15. Awesome November for you!!

    Thanks for sharing!!


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