
December 10, 2016

Read the Books you Buy Reading Challenge 2017

Read the Books you Buy Reading Challenge 2017

"When I get a little money, I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes". Erasmus 
Bought the book, you really want to read it.... and then it gets surpassed by review books or library books or other TBR books.

So this is a Reading Challenge to Read the books you buy. You don't buy books? Well then this challenge isn't for you. Now at the start of 2017 you won't be sure of what you are going to buy or how many books you will buy.

So - choose from one of the percentages below and go for it.  Make a commitment post and link up below. List the books you buy in the post as you spend throughout the year and then mark off as you read them.

If you don't have a blog you can do this on Goodreads with something like a 'bought 2017' shelf and you'll easily be able to see at the end of the year how you've gone. Leave a comment on the post with a link to the shelf to signal your participation, if using Goodreads. Or.. you can place the link on the link up.

20% or less      Money Sitting on the Shelf.

21 - 40%          Making Inroads.

41 - 60 %         Moderately Successful

61 - 80 %        Maximising  Returns

81 - 100%       Mission Accomplished


  • Books have been bought in 2017 by you or you can decide to include from and including July 2016 buys. Anything previous to that definitely falls into the dusty TBR realm! There is a challenge somewhere in the book world for that!
  • Can be ebook, print book or audiobook
  • You can decide whether you include books bought in 2017 second hand or in book fairs etc.
  • Books for this challenge can also be included in other challenges.
  • Runs from 1st January to 31st of December 2017
I encourage you not to think this through too much, go on buying as you normally do - in a large or small way.

Authors write books, they deserve to be read and enjoyed and paid as well! So I know we love our review books, library books, 2nd hand books etc. But ... if you can - buy books as well.

There will be one mid year link up to share how you are going, in the beginning of July.

Mid Year Link Up  now closed
End of Year Link Up      now open

In December there will be the final link up to share where you reached. You may not reach your goal, but just link up to account for yourself!

The link ups just mean re linking your commitment post but updated.

In the July link there will be a $10 Amazon voucher giveaway prize for one reader among those who link up and at the end in December a $25 Amazon voucher or books to that amount from the Book Depository if it delivers to your country.  Even if you don't get to where you hoped you can still link up, so long as you bought a book during 2017 and joined the challenge!


  1. This sounds great, and will dovetail nicely with my other challenge-- the one to read older titles I haven't bought yet 😀 it will have to go include second-hand books and ebooks to work for me.

    I'll set up a post later to join!

    1. Would be lovely to have you Rita, and as you can see ebooks are part of it because most of us buy those these days, and second hand books welcome too.

    2. How about books that are pre-ordered, say with Christmas money, that release in 2017? Do those count too?

    3. They totally count for sure. You don't have to pre-list them or anything, when I buy I just add them to my list so I can check them off when I read them. Keep it simple!

  2. Hmm, I will ponder this for a bit. If I join (which I probably will!), I am going to list my books read and reviewed (with links) by month. When my list got really long this year, and I had alphabized them, I had to go through the whole long list adding my new books in the right order.

    Only I can make problems for myself in this way! LOL

    1. You make me laugh, but it could be less time consuming!! You were my inspiration this year for this challenge, and I need to do better with it next year. What I found was it kept my awareness alive of what I was buying.

  3. I got so overpowered with NetGalley this year that I neglected my own bought books - new blog plan in the making lol I could totally enjoy this challenge. I generally suck at Challenges... but I believe this one would work.

    Marsha @ KeeperBookshelf

    1. Great - I've found it works because just helps me to stay aware of what I am buying. I hope to hit the 50% mark this year and maybe even the 60% 2017.

  4. Hi Kathryn! This is a grate challenge!! I plan on participating. I'll add my name to the link-up because as a host, myself, I love it when lists grow. ;) I'll have an official sign-up post in January, and I'll submit a link update then. Happy holidays! ~Lonna @ FLYLÄ“F

    1. Thanks Lonna and thank you for participating.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hi Kathryn, I finally created my challenge post. It's at . Look forward to reading more of my own books this year. Thanks for hosting! ~Lonna @ FLYLÄ“F

  5. Thanks so much for hosting again! I am hoping to use this challenge to keep myself on better track next year :) Will get my sign-up post together and linked soon :)

    1. My pleasure Christine and like you I have found that in 2016 it kept me on track more than I would have been and it's helped me see what books I need to mop up with TBR challenges elsewhere!

    2. Annnd I'm in! I didn't do as well as I hoped in 2016, but here's to a new year! :)

    3. Exactly Christine. And... you have just reminded me! Where I live its the first and I can start buying again!

  6. This is the challenge for me! Last year was the first time I saw it, and I signed up for Moderately Successful. I kept track of my buys since June 2015, and now with 10 days left in December, I am only 2 books away from meeting my goal! I signed up for Mission Accomplished in 2017.

    1. You are very welcome Susan and wishing you every success.

  7. I buy so many books and I never have enough time to read them all so this is the perfect challenge for me. I can't help myself. If a book comes out that sounds like something I know I would like, it's just too easy to hit "one click" on Amazon. Plus I purchase a lot of audio books as well. I also like to support my author/blogger friends so I do my best to buy their books when releasd. I have so many books on my Kindle and it's so unorganized I'm beggining to get overwhelmed when I turn it on. I need this challenge. Is it too late to join?

    1. No not too late to join, you are welcome to join when ready. The link is open for quite awhile yet. I know we are all like that I think. Know we want to read the book, ignoring all those we have already!

  8. hi there.
    i have no website so i posted my (TO-READ) books on goodreads.
    i'd like to receive e-mails as reminders from you.
    thanks a lot :)

  9. I am going to join this challenge. I keep a spreadsheet of all the books I read and the source - whether I get them from the library, get them for review or I have bought them so I will create a blog post with my goal for the challenge and linkup. Great motivation to read my own books.

    1. Welcome in, yes it does make you keep an eye on what you buy and that then actually read it!!

  10. I would love to be accountable for something like this! I have made a New Year's Resolution the TWO YEARS to not buy anymore books until I've read all of the books I have sitting on my shelf. And... I have been completely unsuccessful. So a challenge like this would be really fun for me so that I can keep track of how many I'm reading, how many I'm buying, etc. Is it too late to join for this year?!

    1. Very welcome to join up at any point Rachel.

    2. I notice the link up is closed so will just see if I can re-open it.
