February 28, 2017

Reading Month in Review for February 2017


Welcome in, do join me by sharing your link to your look back at this month. I'm looking forward to visiting and seeing what everyone has been up to.  The link will be open for you to share your post whenever you post over the next few days.  Do visit each others' posts.

Well February was a short month and it seemed to pass speedily by!

Total books read this month: 11

Books Read:
Always  Sarah Jio
Echoes in Death J. D. Robb
Whole Latte Life  Joanne DeMaio
The House of Secrets.  Sarra Manning
Nobody's Angel  Patricia Rice
A Single Thread  Marie Bostwick
A Million Little Things   Susan Mallery
All Summer Long  Dorothea Benton Frank
The Orphan's Tale   Pam Jenoff
The Chocolate Thief   Laura Florand   Audio
The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend   Katrina Bivald  Audio

Book Formats:

From TBR shelfOne
Review BooksSix
From my New Shelf   One

Genres Read

Contemporary RomanceTwo
Women's FictionSeven
Historical FictionOne

New to me authors.
Sarra Manning
Joanne DeMaio
Pam Jenoff
Laura Florand
Katarina Bivald

So 50% of what I read this month was by a new to me author!

Top Book for February

Well it is difficult to choose... all were very good. But these ones were my favourites.

book cover book cover

Looking Forward to Reading in March...

book cover

Incoming Books.
Paperback Books Purchased:

E Books Purchased:
book cover

Library Books: 
book cover

Books coming from NetGalley or Edelweiss

Very excited about this one, a new one in her Troubleshooter series to be published in July.
book cover

I also received Talk of the Town by Rachael Johns but no cover reveal as yet. To be published in April.

From Hachette NZ
book cover A Letter From Italy

Audio Books 
From Audible using a credit.
book cover


So how did your reading month pan out?

(Linkup closed)


  1. Wow, so many good books! I have All Summer Long in audio format - hope to listen soon. Have a great March!

    1. I think it would be awesome on audio Mary, so hope it is.

  2. Wow Kathryn quite the month! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Very productive month! I hope you read some Fantasy and memoirs in March. For some reason I'm into memoirs a lot lately. My February wrap up is coming up this Sunday. I'll be back to add the link :)

    1. I do love fantasy and I enjoy a memoir now and then as well, but just depends on what's in the calendar!! Actually I should look at memoirs on NG next time I'm there.

  4. For whatever reason, I just dropped doing month-end-updates. :/ It's not by design at all. Haha. Congratulations on reading so many "new-to-you" authors. I'm working on reading more diverse books, too. I'm currently reading Mischling by Affinity Konar. Great progress this month, Kathryn!

  5. 11 books is pretty good!! Happy March!

  6. Great month! I am eager to get the new Karen White book...and it's been too long since I read a Dorothea Benton Frank book. Have a great March!

  7. Oh...I hope you enjoy The Shadow Sister - I love this series and ended up liking the audio version! I know you had reservations about the narration, but I had no problems with her. I have the Pam Jenoff book on my shelf - hoping to get to it soon - I love her writing! One of my favorite books of hers if The Last Summer at Chelsea Beach - so good! I need to get my hands on the new Sarah Jio book - I've only read a few of her books, but so enjoy them!

    Happy March!!!

  8. It was a productive month and you have so many great reads! The Susan Mallery looks great and I've been meaning to read most of your other authors. I keep hoping to start that Lucinda Riley series. It sounds like something I would absolutely love! Hope March is amazing!

  9. February does fly by. I was surprised at how much I read. Looking forward to many of these books.

  10. 11 seems the magic number for people's reading this month. I love the cover of the Karen White novel. Really eye catching.

  11. An amazing month for you, Kathryn. Eleven books is great!!

    I didn't do a post, but I read the most books I have ever read in one month this past February. I read seven books...I normally read two or three. :)

    Loved Readers of The Broken Wheel. Three of the five authors are new to me. I only know Pam Jenoff and Katarina Bivald.

    Looks like some good titles coming up for you.

    Have a great weekend and month of reading in March.


  12. You had a great month, Kathryn! I really want to read The Orphan's Tale.

  13. Wow, I am always SO impressed by how many books you read in a single month! 4-6 is normal for me, and reading 8 books in one month is a really remarkable month for me.

    Sounds like a lot of great books in a short month. I'll come back to link-up my monthly summary...and soon as I finish my reviews for last month & write my summary!


    Book By Book


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