September 5, 2016

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? 5th September


It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week.  It's a great post to organise yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog   and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date. And here we are!

Jen Vincent, Teach Mentor Texts, and Kellee of Unleashing Readers decided to give It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? a kidlit focus. If you read and review books in children’s literature – picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult novels, anything in the world of kidlit – join them!
a divide
Welcome in everyone to Monday. Hope you all had a great week as we headed into a new section of the year!

Thanks to all those who left a comment on my post last week, I didn't get back to return all comments as I had a bit of a melt down for the first time on my blog! As some of you would be aware my Tuesday is your Monday, so I normally set about commenting on Tuesday morning over breakfast.

However last Tuesday I had a blog post due to go live some hours later so I was editing it and pushed the undo button and it undid my whole post..... AND I couldn't get it back! Sometimes Blogger is not so good! Fortunately it had a guest post as part of it which I was able to put back together, but it pained me to have lost my review and have it saved nowhere else! Ooops! Anyway I stitched something together. Hopefully lesson learned.                                                 

What I read last week:

I finally finished this audiobook. I did enjoy it and will be looking up other books by Shelley Noble.
book cover

I also completed three books for review and one from my TBR:
bookc cover book cover
book cover book cover

What I am reading at present:

From the review shelf:
book cover

I have started listening to:
Due to the influence of Debbie over at The Reading Frenzy!
book cover

Up next:

book cover

Posts from the last week:

Sunrise Crossing  Jodi Thomas
Leave Me   Gayle Forman
Month in Review  August
a divide
1. Christina T @ Reading Extensively  34. Shannon @ River City Reading  
2. Michael @ Knowledge Lost  35. Majanka @ I Heart Reading  
3. Deborah @Debbish  36. Kathy @ Inside of a Dog  
4. Nise' @Under the Boardwalk  37. Harvee Lau  
5. Laurel-Rain @ Serendipity  38. JoAnn @ Lakeside Musing  
6. Literary Lindsey  39. Julie @ Smiling Shelves  
7. Erin @ Quixotic Magpie  40. Chantale  
8. Martha @ Reviews by Martha's Bookshelf  41. Susie | Novel Visits  
9. Greg @ Book Haven  42. Marybeth  
10. Viki  43. Sarah @ Exploring All Genres  
11. Myra @ GatheringBooks  44. Sue @ Book By Book  
12. Maree  45. A Belle's Tales  
13. Sam Still Reading  46. Julianne @ Outlandish Lit  
14. Got My Book  47. Amy @novelgossip  
15. Bibliophile @ Reading in Reykjavik  48. Nat @ Reading Feels  
16. David @ Random Thoughts and Observations  49. Lori @ Palmer's Page Turners  
17. Amanda @ Mrs B's Book Reviews  50. Melinda @ West Metro Mommy Reads  
18. Fi @ Bookish Outsider  51. Darlene @ Darlene's Book Nook  
19. Carine @ Ceres Books World  52. ~ linda @ The Reader & the Book  
20. maria helena @ marelden  53. Jane @ Raincity Librarian  
21. Lindsay @ Lindsay's Library  54. Becky @ Christian Chick's Thoughts  
22. Mareli @ Mareli Thalk Ink  55. Michelle @ Life Among the Pages  
23. Beth F @ Beth Fish Reads  56. Kristen @ The Book Monsters  
24. Deb Nance at Readerbuzz  57. Rachel Troyer @ Obsessed With Fairy Tales  
25. Elizabeth @ Silver's Reviews  58. Jade @ Reading With Jade  
26. Kym @ Just A Second  59. Katherine @ Writerly Reader  
27. Kim  60. Jack reviews Angel Letters  
28. Bob @ Beauty in Ruins  61. Leigh reviews The End of Heart Disease  
29. Yvonne @ A Darn Good Read  62. Jessica @ HDB  
30. 15andmeowing  63. Adriana @ Reading Fictional  
31. Ashley @ Book Junkie: Not-So-Anonymous  64. Marci Johnson  
32. Aj @ Read All The Things!  65. Heather@worthgettinginbedfor  
33. Jennifer @ Book Den  66. Louisa @ Words I Write Crazy  

(Linkup closed)


  1. Blogger can be tricky but I find it easier to use than Wordpress. Sorry you lost your review :(

    I will have to read that Gayle Forman book sometime. It sounds really interesting.

  2. So frustrating when technology goes wonky! Hope this week goes better.

  3. Oh, losing your work is a horrible feeling. So far, I've had good luck with WP, which automatically saves the work as I go.

    I am eager to get my hands on Echoes of Family. Enjoy your week, and may all your blogging efforts go as planned.

  4. I've just started Apprentice in Death and have the Gayle Forman to read next.

    So sorry to hear about your post - how frustrating! Hope this week is a better one!

  5. Ohh- that would be frustrating. :-) I always prepare reviews in Word and then paste into blogger. But some of my memes I do in the blog and that could happen.
    Looks like you had a good reading week.
    Hope this week is Happy Reading and less frustration.

    1. That's a good idea Martha. I am a bit lazy but I might start doing something similar so as not to be caught out again!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. You have my full sympathy. I hate it when blog posts vanish. The Undo button on Blogger is pernicious.

    The last time this happened to me, I was able to retrieve the post from the temporary files on my computer. If this happens to you again, you could try looking at those temporary files to see if your post is there. It should work as long as you haven't turned the computer off since the post disappeared.

  8. Lots and lots and a bit more sympathy with lost posts. I have only been blogging for 5 months (TODAY!!), but I've lost my posts twice already... Not good with technology here at all. Hope your upcoming week will be great though!

  9. How frustrating to hear your troubles with blog posts disapearing, I can imagine how awful it would feel. I'm still learning the ropes after setting my blog up in June, a long way to go yet!
    I hope your week improves. I like the look of the book you have listed as up next to read, Echoes of Family looks interesting, love the cover.
    Happy reading :-)

  10. Sorry for the blog issues. I think we've all been there - it's unnerving when it happens, isn't it? My review for Always a Cowboy will post this week. I really liked it! Have a wonderful week, Kathryn!

  11. Looks like a terrific week except for the disappearing post. :( That is very upsetting after all of that work.

    I am so paranoid about that happening so I write my reviews in an e-mail and send it to three e-mails I have. :) That usually does the trick if something happens.

    I hope the rest of your week goes smoothly. HUGS.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

  12. I'm sorry you lost a post, that's always the worst! Looks like you've been doing a lot of good reading - I have only read 1 book in the past week! Enjoy your current read :)

  13. I'm sorry you lost a post, that's always the worst! Looks like you've been doing a lot of good reading - I have only read 1 book in the past week! Enjoy your current read :)

  14. I'm sorry you lost a post, that's always the worst! Looks like you've been doing a lot of good reading - I have only read 1 book in the past week! Enjoy your current read :)

  15. You have been busy reading. I am sorry about your lost post, very frustrating.

  16. Oh, no! I have lost blogger posts before. I'm so sorry that happened. :(

  17. Sorry you had such a rough time with your blog last week, Kathryn! I always write my reviews in Word first and then just cut and paste into Blogger. That would be so frustrating to lose everything!

    Looks like you did a lot of reading last week! Hope you enjoy your books this week, too -


    Book By Book

  18. This is such a fun meme! Thank you for hosting! Hope your blogging issues are all smoothed out. Happy reading! :)

  19. Ack! Sorry about the blog troubles! I had a weird situation like that once--I was writing my posts in word and then importing them into blogger. I'm not sure what happened, but it just kept re-writing the same post (so I'd lose all the posts before it). Ugh! Now I just write it all into Blogger and hope for the best!

  20. Sorry to hear about your blog problems. I hate when that happens. I see that you read blossom Street brides, I love that series. I still need to read that one.

    1. I know Viki, I thought I had read them all and then I picked this one up at a Book Fair last year and it was the very one that I hadn't read!

  21. Oh my gosh! What a nightmare for you. I love all the books you finished this week. Every one of them are on my TBR list. Happy reading!

  22. Oh nO!. Boo blogger, it has been acting up lately

  23. Nothing worse than losing blog posts. It's happened to me a couple times over the years.
    Looks like you have had a good mix of books to read lately and another good looking lot coming up. I've read a few of Lina Lael Miller's books and also did read the first book in the In Death series. Hope you enjoy them!

  24. Yikes. How frustrating for you to lose a review post; I know how much thought you put into one. I really liked that Linda Lael Miller book. I've been taking some time off from blogging. After my birthday I plan to catch up.

    1. Great idea to take some time off Stefanie. I am enjoying the Miller book, one of her good ones.

  25. Sorry to hear about your blog issues - that's quite the predicament! I think we all do that at one time or other though, not that that makes it any better, but yay for cobbling something together in time.

    I hope you enjoy your upcoming reads :-)

  26. oops ;-) yes I'm a bookspusher and I'm proud of it!
    You would not believe what I'm reading right now its FANTASTIC and I hope it makes it to your shores
    its called Bright Midnight, here's a promo -


  27. I write all my posts in Word and then copy and paste them into blogger. Some headaches, but not as much as completely losing a post.


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