May 2, 2014

Blogwalkers Check in. May 2nd

This challenge is organised by Felicia over at the Geeky Blogger's Book Blog.

I had another good weather week for walking - and reading in the Autumn sun, holidays now ending so back to work next week.

Saturday: Rest day - can't remember why!
Sunday: 30 minutes walking
Monday: 30 minutes walking
Tuesday: 30 minutes walking
Wednesday: 30 minutes walking
Thursday: Rest day - had flu injection yesterday so just resting my body to give it a chance!
Friday: 30 minutes walking.

I finished listening to Virginia Kantra's Carolina Man, now I am listening to Julia London's Material Girl.  I am going to easily meet my listening challenge for 2014 because of the walking - double deal!

I am signed up to continue for the month of May. Into my 5th month and feeling good!


  1. I am going to meet my listening goal for 2014 as well - I love listening to audio while walking!!! I just got Iris Johansen's newest release, Live to See Tomorrow, and I can't wait to get into that. I foresee many long walks in my future!!!

    Have a great week!!!

    1. Thanks Kristin. Yes I like combining the two. I am quite happy to walk and let my mind wander, but listening to the books while walking means my audiobooks don't pile up on me! Hope your new training for the marathon goes well. Summer is coming for you, winter will be the test for me, although I don't get the snow, just mean cold wind.

  2. Way to go! Listening to audiobooks it my big motivator to get moving.

    1. Yes Diana me too. Both can be enjoyable but the listening certainly makes the walking go down a little sweeter!

  3. Great job last week and for continuing with the walking challenge! I loved Julia London's The Lear Sisters series so I hope you like it. They made me cry! Have a great weekend!

    1. Kathy
      Just getting into the book, not liking Rachel very much but it is just the start!

  4. Sounds like you must have had a bout. Not good! I always have a flu jab each autumn.

  5. Well done!! I love the fact that walking gives me extra audio time. Smart move resting up after getting flu shot, I get one every year but this year ended up crook for a few days.

    1. I heard a few people reacted to the flue shot, and that was why I was a little cautious. But no reaction thank goodness - long as it works though!


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