January 31, 2016

Month in Review: January 2016


Welcome in, do join me by sharing your link to your look back at this month. I'm looking forward to visiting and seeing what everyone has been up to.  The link will be open for you to share your post whenever you post over the next few days.  Do visit each others' posts.

I had a good month, didn't read as much as I thought I might though. Enjoyed the books I read and that's what counts! This month I was delighted to be notified that I had been accepted to be part of the She Reads network of bloggers and so The Edge of Lost was my first book that I read, which was one of their winter recommendations. Can only say I really enjoyed it. 4.5 stars. Came in as my 2nd favourite read for the month.

Total books read this month:  14

Paperback Seven
E-Book Seven
Audiobook Two
From TBR shelf Three
Review Books Nine
From my New Shelf    One

Genres Read
Contemporary Romance Two
Crime/Suspense Three
Fantasy Three
Women's Fiction Two
Young Adult One
Historical F One
Literary F One

Places Where I Read. (Settings!)
Orkney Is.  City in Scotland, Scotland.  Georgia - 2, Sth Dakota, New York - 3, New Jersey, Vermont, Iowa, Oregon,Virginia. USA. Hong Kong. 

New to me authors.

  • Juliet Marillier 
  • Karen White 
  • Lois Greiman 
  • Estelle Laure
  • Janice Y. K. Lee
  • Maria Lewis
  • Kristina McMorris

Books Read.
Wolfskin             Juliet Marillier
Hearth Song        Lois Greiman
This Raging Light   Estelle Laure
Falling Home      Karen White - audiobook
And I Love Her   Marie Force
Missing Pieces   Heather Gudenkauf
Strangers in Death  J. D. Robb
Salvation in Death  J. D. Robb
Magic Bites        Ilona Andrews - audiobook
New Leaf            Catherine Anderson
This Raging Light     Estelle Laure
The Expatriates        Janice Y. K. Lee
The Edge of Lost     Kristina McMorris
Who's Afraid           Maria Lewis

Top Book for January 2016

book cover

Incoming Books.
Paperback Books Purchased:
Feel Good For Life   Claire Turnbull. (NF)

E Books Purchased:
New Leaf   Catherine Anderson
The Edge of Lost   Kristina McMorris

Library Books: 

Books coming from NetGalley or Edelweiss
Lies and Other Acts of Love   Kristy Woodson-Harvey
Jane Steele          Lyndsay Faye
The Ramblers     Aidan Donnelley Rowley
The Storm Sister Lucinda Riley
Mystic Summer   Hannah McKinnon
One True Loves  Taylor Jenkins Reid
Flight of Dreams   Ariel Lawhon

From Hachette NZ
The Expatriates     Janice Y. K. Lee
Who's Afraid?       Maria Lewis
You and Me Always  Jill Mansell
Brotherhood in Death  J. D. Robb



So how did your reading month pan out?

(Linkup closed)


  1. 14 books. Well done! Lots of new authors for you. Any you will read again?

  2. You've had a great reading month Kathryn. I enjoyed Edge of Lost. Flight of Dreams is next up for me. Thanks for hosting this meme!

  3. The Edge of Lost was really good! I have the Janice Lee book which I hope to get to soon.

  4. Quality over quantity, and 14 is still awesome! I was proud to just read 10! I love when I have a good reading month - especially so many favorites this time. I hope it continues.

  5. This month both went by fast and lasted forever, because I well remember Wolfskin as your first read of the month- and that seems like forever ago! You had a great reading month, and I hope February is even better!

  6. Great month Kathryn, I've got Missing Pieces on my pile and I LOVED The Edge of Lost too!
    Plus I've got some great reads I'm adding to the pile, thanks!

  7. Thank you so much for adding Lies and Other Acts of Love to your list. I so hope you enjoy it!! xo Kristy Harvey

  8. 14 books is really great! A couple of those I have wishlisted.
    Happy February!

  9. I love how you look at the books you've read in so many ways. It's got me thinking about where I have "been" with my reading...here's to a good February.

  10. Looks like you picked up a lot of new-to-you authors which is always great. Juliet Marillier is one of my favorite authors. I haven't read Wolfskin, but her Sevenwaters series is one of my favorite fantasy series ever. Hope you enjoy your February!

  11. You had a great month...mine was better than some months, too. Thanks for sharing...I like the way you categorized the books and showed us books you purchased and authors new to you.

  12. Love this monthly recap. It's so user-friendly to read and bravo on some good reading! Looks like you are branching out into other genres more too. I am hoping to accomplish that this year. Here's to a great 2016!

  13. Thanks for hosting this monthly list. It's interesting to see the variety that others are reading.

  14. Congratulations are becoming part of the She Reads Network!!! I got The Edge of Lost and am hoping to read it soon. I've already read The Gates of Evangeline - read it last year and loved it!!! I do see a bunch of other books on your list that I have sitting on my piles - love that we have similar reading tastes :)

    Have a great February!!!

  15. Fourteen is still a lot! I'm happy if I get five in. ;) Congrats on the She Reads Network! Thanks for hosting. Have a fantastic February!

  16. What a fantastic month for you. :)

    I only managed to read two books. Fourteen books is wonderful.

    ENJOY this week and this month of reading. I can't believe it is February already.


  17. congrats! I have heard a lot about The Expatriates

  18. Congrats on She Reads! January got off to a great start for both of us. Hope February is just as productive.


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