
June 25, 2018

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?


It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week.  It's a great post to organise yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog   and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date. And here we are!

Jen Vincent, Teach Mentor Texts, and Kellee of Unleashing Readers decided to give It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? a kidlit focus. If you read and review books in children’s literature – picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult novels, anything in the world of kidlit – join them!
a divide
So I came home Tuesday, and was quite tired for a couple of days. Travel up one day, see lawyer next, travel home the next! I wish I was one of those people who can read or sew in a car... but no! And definitely not for sure around all the many twists and turns.  Although the scenery was gorgeous so no complaints really.

I am watching a little TV, my fav at the moment is S2 of Doctor Doctor. An Australian programme that just hits the right note for me of drama and comedy, and I love the actors who have the various parts. Plus the way they film the Australian scenery, outstanding. 

And A Place to Call Home S5 has just started as well, I recorded it, but I look forward to catching up with this Australian one as well.  I am not into crime, reality TV, cooking and singing shows, so there isn't much that comes along that I like. I do have Netflix though. Did I say I spend more time reading than viewing!

This week my eye was caught on Twitter by this link to a post that talks about the value of reader reviews. It does make me want to keep making sure I do - however small.  How To Feed Your Favorite Author  by Donna June Cooper

During the week I came across this reader survey highlighted by Susan over at The Book Bag  I always like to take part in a reading survey and in case you do too and haven't seen it here is a link to the survey. This 2018 Reader survey has been organised by by M.K. Tod, Heather Burch and Patricia Sands.                         

What I read last week:

I finished listening to this audiobook as planned while driving home from being away.
book cover

I also finished this review book

book cover

And this book from my very new shelf!  And well worth the read too. A favourite series!
book cover

What I am reading at present:

I started listening to this one, it is part of a series and I worried I'd have forgotten the characters, but no I have picked it up from where it left off easily.

book cover

And I have just started this review book. I have enjoyed books by Barbara O'Neal in the past so hoping I will do so too with this one.

book cover

Up next:

For review. The second in the romantic suspense series by Emilie Richards.

Last weeks posts:

Heaven Adjacent   Catherine Ryan Hyde
The Cottages on Silver Beach   RaeAnne Thayne

See you in July - now isn't that a scary thought!

a divide


  1. It can't be July already!! Can't wait to get to Ocean Light.

  2. There is a part of me that really wants to listen to the Joe Biden memoir, and another part that reminds me that I'd probably cry through the whole thing. Sigh...

  3. Oh, I definitely want to read the Joe Biden book...and I love Joanne DeMaio's series. I have another one, Castaway Cottage.

    Enjoy your week...I'm glad you found shows to watch.

  4. I'm usually the one driving when there are mountains / curvy roads. My husband doesn't like those sorts of roads. Take it easy. You've been through a lot.

  5. This time of year there are so many great covers. I love beach reads.

  6. I never watch much TV but lately I've been too tired to read so I have watched Timeless S2 and loved every minute. I like the look of all your books and very curious about The Art of Inheriting Secrets. Have a great reading week!

  7. I like surveys so I'll bop on over and take it. :) And I watch a lot of stuff on Netflix although I've slowed a bit lately. I've been watching a lot of Brit shows and an Australian series or two as well- I rather like them.

    Beach Blues has such a nice summery cover. and I imagine Joe Biden's memoir would be fascinating!

  8. I'd love to be able to sew in the car! I can read in a car or on a train, but not in a bus :(

  9. All your books look so good.

    Hope you are rested now. Traveling tires me out too.

    Going to take a look at that Twitter link. Thanks for sharing.

    Have a great week....looks like your last week was very good.

  10. Looking forward to reviews of the new Barbara O'Neal novel. I enjoy her books. I hope you have some time to read and relax this week. I don't watch much tv or streaming these days. Except the Food Network and HGTV.

  11. I agree, July seems to be coming up awfully fast! I don't watch much TV either. My younger daughter & I usually watch something for a half hour before bedtime as part of our wind-down routine, and then I read aloud to her in bed for another half hour. So my television viewing is normally family-oriented. We are currently watching Fuller House on Netflix.

    I really must try Nalini Singh! I always think of that when I see her books on your blog. I'm sure I'd enjoy them. Have a great week!

  12. All of your books look good. I used to love Emilie Richards and Bayou Midnight looks wonderful. I can't believe it's almost July either. Have a great week!

  13. I am the same - can't read in the car, other than flipping through magazines and looking up frequently. My son is the opposite - used to bring an entire duffle bag full of books on our road trips and read nonstop - in the backseat!

    Glad your trip went well & you had an audio book to keep you company.

    Enjoy your books this week -


    2018 Big Book Summer Challenge

  14. I can just imagine how exhausted you were. But now you are home and can relax and get energized and read!

  15. Hmm, not sure I liked that how to feed an author post. She does say you should not write negative reviews and well, I would never buy a book with only positive ones...

  16. I'm currently listening to Beast Behaving Badly by Shelly Laurenston and omg I'm laughing so much I love Blayne, she is so hipper and all over the place. It works...

  17. Thanks for the link to my little blog post about reviews, Kathryn! Have a lovely week!

  18. I can't believe July is just around the corner. June has been much busier than it usually is for me. I've been seeing Rainy Day Friends everywhere so I might have to pick it up.

  19. I've gotten where I can read in the car but it's a process involving deep breaths and looking up every few minutes. I did find this stuff that's supposed to help with motion sickness that you're supposed to put on your pulse points but I've found it works great just to sniff when I start feeling queasy. More info than you need I'm sure! I'm reading Rainy Day Reads but had to put a scheduled review book ahead of it and am anxious to get back to it. I love Jill Shalvis! Have a great week!

  20. Just caught a glimpse of your comment: "See you in July."

    That definitely is a scary thought.

  21. I took the reader survey. I like those too.

  22. Great list Kathryn. Joe Biden's book is on my list

  23. I have Joe Biden's book on my library Kindle list. So sorry you can't read while you travel! That's a bummer. :( It's one of my favorite times to read.

  24. Thank you again for such a great link-up! I found A Place to Call Home on my Amazon Prime acct! Yea! Naturally, I added some of your suggestions to my "Want to Read" list as well as some from the link up! I totally agree with you about reviews! They save so much time! Take good care!
