May 16, 2014

Book Blog Walkers Check in. May 16

This challenge is organised by Felicia over at the Geeky Blogger's Book Blog.

A low key week.  Lots of rainy weather with a couple of wintry sunny days with only a little wind. 

Saturday: 30 minutes walk
Sunday:    30 minutes walk
Monday and Tuesday: rest days - heavy rain was not enticing.
Wednesday: 40 minute walk.
Thursday: 30 minute walk
Friday: 30 minute walk.

I am still listening to Material Girl by Julia London.  I generally only listen while walking, while 
doing housework I just let my mind drift! Er.. I don't do much housework, especially when there is a book to be read!


  1. I'm not a fan of walking in the heavy rain either! I've been doing more outdoors walks in preparation for my next 1/2 marathon. Like you, I love listening to audio books while walking, but I also tend to listen while's the only thing that helps make the chore a big more pleasant!

    Have a great week!

    1. Thanks Kristin, yeah I just need time when my head roams and isn't doing anything and housework is good for that.!

  2. What a great idea!!

    I try to walk 3 miles every day - that's about 50 minutes.

    Hope everyone is having fun


    1. Elizabeth you are amazing, fantastic walking, perhaps when I retire I will up my ante a bit. However I have a knee I injured that complains and it also puts my foot out of whack!

  3. Despite the weather, you did great this week!!!

    1. Thanks Diana. I was happy with what I accomplished. Very happy actually!

  4. I think it often comes from over your way!!!

  5. walking in the rain ... who does that lol. Walking 5 days is an awesome effort! I'd never do any housework if I didn't have an audiobook haha

    1. Er... my house needs a lot of housework. Maybe I will listen to audio while working!


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