March 14, 2016

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?


It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week.  It's a great post to organise yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog   and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date. And here we are!

Jen Vincent, Teach Mentor Texts, and Kellee of Unleashing Readers decided to give It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? a kidlit focus. If you read and review books in children’s literature – picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult novels, anything in the world of kidlit – join them!
a divide
Another week has sped by. I continued to quilt and sew and unpick! I ordered a load of wood and then I wheelbarrowed it and stacked it all ready for the winter! Hate that job but once it is done it's good. Temperatures have dropped to the lower 20's so pleasant and not to hot to do the work.

I had a good reading week, with other interests reading has trickled off a little. Loved The Storm Sister and Silent Sentry is stacking up to be a good read.                                                         

What I read last week:

Weekends of You and Me book cover The Storm Sister book cover

Kindred in Death book cover

What I am reading at present:

Reading for review - a suspense book: 
Silent Sentry book cover

Still listening to:
The Wedding Ring book cover

Up next:

Two books for review.
Song of the Skylark Once a Rancher book cover

Posts from the last week:

Outback Sisters   Rachael Johns
The Butterfly Summer   Harriet Evans

a divide
1. Nise'@Under the Boardwalk  25. Julie @ Smiling Shelves  49. Majanka @ I Heart Readinge  
2. Greg@Book Haven  26. Abbi@Christian Novels  50. Mandy @ The Reading Diaries  
3. Christina T @ Reading Extensively  27. Amanda @ Bookshelf Monstrosity  51. Lori @ Palmer's Page Turners  
4. Bob @ Beauty in Ruins  28. stacey @ a little bit of me  52. CJ Casey  
5. Laurel-Rain @ Rainy Days & Mondays  29. Sarah's Book Shelves  53. Sue @ Book By Book  
6. Judy @ Busy Hands Are Happy Hands  30. Shannon @ River City Reading  54. maria helena @ marelden  
7. Sheila/Book Journey  31. Marcee@A Nurse and a Book  55. Maybe Books Will Be Our Always  
8. Martha @ Reviews by Martha's Bookshelf  32. Kym @ Just A Second  56. Jane @ raincitylibrarian  
9. JoAnn @ Lakeside Musing  33. Harvee @BookDilettante  57. Rachel  
10. Deborah @ Debbish  34. Tara @ A Teaching Life  58. Katie McD @ Bookish Tendencies  
11. Fats @ GatheringBooks  35. Erin @ Quixotic Magpie  59. Laura@The Book Junkie  
12. Sam Still Reading  36. Lauren @ Wonderless Reviews  60. Beth @ Library Chicken  
13. Rita @ View From My Home  37. Brandie @ Brandie is a Book Junkie  61. Stefanie  
14. Literary Lindsey  38. Stormi @ Books, Movies, Reviews. Oh my!  62. Katherine @ The Writerly Reader  
15. Viki  39. Susan @ The Book Bag  63. Rachel Troyer  
16. Louisa @ Words I Write Crazy  40. Deb Nance at Readerbuzz  64. Joann Downie  
17. Akilah  41. Kathy @ Inside of a Dog  65. Jo @ Captured on Film  
18. Raye @ The Book Hoarder  42. Kathy @ Kathy Reads Fiction  66. Heather@worthgettinginbedfor  
19. Laura @ 125Pages  43. Elizabeth @ Silver's Reviews  67. Leah @ lfinchblog  
20. Melinda @ West Metro Mommy Reads  44. Kristin @ Kritters Ramblings  68. Yvonne @ A Darn Good Read  
21. Maree @ life the universe and cats  45. Julianne @ Outlandish Lit  69. Marisa @ The Daily Dosage  
22. Emma @ OnceUponALittlefield  46. Kristen (BookNAround)  70. Angie @ Pinkindle  
23. Ashley @ Book Junkie: Not-So-Anonymous  47. Marci Johnson  71. Ruth Hicks  
24. Shandy Jo @ Just a Little R&R  48. Bina @ If You Can Read This  

(Linkup closed)


  1. I love how you're gettin' your craft on, Kathryn. Can't wait to see that post. Looks like you had a good reading week. Question: Do USA bloggers link up early on your list even though we haven't reached Monday yet? Is that okay? Just wondering; I know some do that Sunday meme and combine it w/this one so their post goes out Sunday.

    1. Yes one of those unfortunate things about time! Yes USA bloggers do link up on your Sunday - some of them and some of them come in on your Monday and our Tuesday. I try to leave the post at the top for both our Mondays, so I don't usually post anything on tmy Tuesday if I can help it!

  2. Looking forward to The Storm Sister. I love your cover. Getting your least favorite jobs done is hard, but once accomplished it feels good! Have a great week.

  3. Cooling off there a bit sounds like. We warmed up some this week, nothing major although we did have one really nice day. Sunshine and everything! :) Yay for having the wood stacked eh? Both The Storm Sister and Kindred in Death look good, have nice covers.

  4. Here winter is coming to an end with warmer weather last week and this week. I am so happy spring is nearly here!

    It sounds like you've had a productive week. Glad you had some time for reading too. The Lucinda Riley book looks good.

  5. I love the cover of your J. D. Robb book...I am so far behind on this series, but I love the characters and the suspense.

    Enjoy your week...and your quilting and reading. Congrats on getting the wood in!

    Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  6. I really must catch up on the J.D.Robb series. All you coming reads look like great ones. Hope you'll show us your quilting project when you are finished. Seems like there is always some "unsewing" to do. :)

  7. Weekends of you and me looks good! Have a great week!

  8. Seasons are definitely beginning to change... cooling off for you and warming up over here! Sounds like a good week with reading and sewing. Getting the wood stacked is a big accomplishment, too!

  9. I'm glad you have been enjoying your reading.
    Getting the wood staked up is a necessary job. :-)
    Silent Sentry looks good. Have a great week and Happy Reading.

  10. Hope you're still enjoying the JD Robbs. I got an email from Hachette Australia today about a JD Robb novella they've got on NetGalley so off to check that out!

  11. I love The Storm Sister cover-wow! Can't wait to read that. Also Silent Sentry looks like romantic suspense, so that's one of my go-to subgenres, writing the name down now.

    Where I live it's Spring, a bit cooler at night but could go as high as 80 in day. I like it like this; wish the hot days of Summer were far off.

    Enjoy a good week, Kathryn.

  12. Looks like you had a good reading week. I love Erica James books, hope you enjoy her new one.

  13. I'll be interested to read what you thought of the Linda Lael Miller book. I haven't read her in AGES!

  14. I love the cover for The Storm Sister. I will have to check it just based on the pretty. :) Have a great week!

  15. The Fiona Walker book looks great - summery without being stinking hot!

  16. One of these days I am going to try a J.D. Robb book! :)

  17. I want to read that series by Riley soon. They sound good, and I love the cover!
    Have a great week!

  18. I LOVE Lucinda Riley's books.

    Looks like a great week for you.

    ENJOY this new reading week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday, What Are You Reading

  19. Looks like a great week for you, me I'm still drowning LOL, please remind me NEVER To agree to review this many books in one month again :)
    After I finish my HQN series I'll be reading Karen White's June release Flight Patterns and then Justin Cronin's long awaited end of his trilogy The City of Mirrors

  20. I love the cover of The Storm Sister, so gorgeous! Hope you enjoyed it! Happy reading :)

  21. I've added The Weekends of You and Me to my TBR! It looks like a good one. Have a great reading week!

  22. I hear you on reading and unpicking. I'm finishing up my financee's wedding shawl, an Estonian-inspired pattern called the "Queen Silvia Shawl" and at the beginning of the edging, realized that I have to pick back two and a half rows. Normally, this wouldn't be too bad, except each row is nearly 900 stitches long! But, it will look better when it's finished than rearranging the stitches with a crochet hook would have looked.

    The books you're reading look awesome. I'm picky with my romance and mystery fiction, but I usually manage to slip in a few every year.

  23. Sounds like you had a good week, both around the house and in the world of fiction!

    Enjoy your books this week -


    Book By Book

  24. Looks like you read/are reading some good books. I will look forward to your reviews. It is odd to think you are entering Fall as we are entering Spring. I'm glad you talked about Sunday vs. Monday posting and the time difference in your earlier comments. Have a great week Kathy.


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